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Sunday Afternoon News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

Police on Shabbos detained two Arabs who were planning to distribute Hebrew and English fliers opposing Pope Benedict XVI’s visit this week. No additional information is available.
**An Arab youth was apprehended by border police on Sunday morning making his way on the Tunnel Highway carrying a knife, planned for an attack in Jerusalem’s southern Gilo neighborhood. Conflicting reports indicate he is either 12 or 15-years-old.
**Tel Aviv U. students observed a one-hour strike from 12:pm-1:pm in protest over planned cuts in higher education. They held a protest rally during the strike hour.
**An Arab male armed with a knife was arrested on Sunday near the Machpelah in Chevron. He was handed over to security officials for interrogation, presumably planning a stabbing attack in the area.
**The IDF soldiers involved in the Bat Ayin shooting after being rocked by Arabs were transferred to their units where they remain confined, prohibited from holding weapons or using cellular telephones to communicate.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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