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Israel: Couple in Serious Condition from Eating Blowfish

mda.jpgA Kiryat Yam couple in their 40s is reported in very serious condition, both comatose in Haifa’s Rambam Medical Center after eating a blowfish over the weekend.
According to toxicology experts, the fish contains a powerful toxin that has indeed placed the couple in life-threatening danger, attacking the liver and other organs.           
The wife went into cardiac arrest en-route to the hospital compelling medics to initiative life-support measures. One expert told Israel Radio on Sunday morning that there is no known antidote for the toxin and all that can be done is supporting the couple’s vital bodily functions.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. The reason this fish is a delicacy (No- I never had it- it’s treif) is because of the toxins in the liver & ovaries. If not prepared by an expert chef, you get poisioned. I hope this couple lives to do teshuva for their past ways!

  2. Perhaps secular Jews will someday realize that just because something is treiff they don’t have to eat it.

  3. #3, by the same token, if we frum Jews are not 100% sure a food has a good hechsher, it shouldn’t be eaten either. We are going to have to give a din v’cheshbon for everything we ate, but the secular jews have no idea of what kashrus means.

  4. I believe the fish is called foogoo (I don’t know how its spelled) and it has paralytic properties. Only specially licensed restaurants are usually allowed to serve it, and if a Jew didn’t eat it, they wouldn’t have been in the hospital in the first place.

  5. With the 100’s of species of kosher fish available that aren’t potentialy lethal – why would anyone choose to eat blowfish?

  6. What is blowfish, where would you buy this? and shouldnt the store that sold it be checked out and reprimended?
    Wishes for a refuah shelayma and the knowledge that kosher is the way to go.

  7. Can’t you have some concern for Jewish people who are in trouble? They probably have no background and don’t know better. refuah shlaima to them, and some kavod habrios for the rest of you.

  8. What’s the matter? A person can’t get sick from Kosher food too? Please!!!! Let’s wish these people a Refuah Shelayma.
    I also agree with #6 – why would anyone want to eat a fish that’s potentially life threatening – kosher or not?
    I also think the restaurant should be checked out and possibly closed down if it wasn’t prepared the way it should be.

  9. Where was this fish served? Surely not in a kosher restaurant. When people succumb to their taivos and want to have every wordly delicacy, this is what can happen, besides the spiritual damage to one’s neshomo. This should be a lesson to everyone to guard what you put into your mouth.

  10. Interesting that the article in 39’s link says the biggest delicacy, and most expensive type of blowfish or “fugu” as well as the most poisonous,
    is the “tora” – fugu!

    Think about that…

  11. Like a previous comment, perhaps they were not aware of the type of fish. It was a gift from a neighbor according to another news source and doubtful that it came from a restaurant. What did these neighbors know about what type of fish is was? I hope they are well soon.

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