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Saar Warns Against Budgetary Pit

Education Minister (Likud) Gideon Saar told Channel 2 TV’s Meet the Press on motzei Shabbos that proposed budgetary cuts represents a “Budgetary pit”. He stressed that he must vote his conscience, explaining his opposition to the budget at last week’s cabinet meeting, the only minister of the prime minister’s party to oppose the proposed state budget. His opposition is significant since Saar is considerate among the closed Likud officials to the prime minister.
Saar is expected to continue voicing his objections at Sunday’s weekly cabinet meeting, as well as to the Knesset Education Committee on Monday. On Tuesday, cabinet ministers will convene in special session to address the proposed budget which includes many controversial cuts. The cuts in education Saar stated are unacceptable, backed by university student unions, now vowing to strike if the budget is passed. 

While some of the planned budgetary decrees will most likely to canceled, it appears there is still much difficulty surrounding proposed cuts in healthcare, education and defense spending.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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