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NY Senator Kevin Parker Arrested [UPDATED]

kp.jpgBrooklyn, NY – A state senator known for his short temper was arrested Saturday morning, accused of attacking a photographer.

Kevin Parker, a Democratic state senator from the 21st District, apparently was upset when Post photographer William Lopez snapped a picture of him getting out of a car at the home he shares with his parents on Avenue H.

The photographer, who filed a formal complaint with police, said he was standing on a public street when he tried to take a picture of the politician.

Lopez said right after the flash went off, the state senator chased him for half a block, then got into a tug of war over his camera once they got to Lopez’s car.

The photographer said the 42-year-old Parker damaged his driver’s side car door and his camera, causing more than $1,000 worth of damage.

The struggle ended when a crowd gathered and police took the state senator in for questioning.

This is the third time in four years that there’s been an incident involving Parker.

Last year, an aide to the senator filed charges, claiming that Parker pushed her during an argument and smashed her $300 eyeglasses.

Also, back in 2005, he was accused of punching a traffic agent in the face, but charges were dropped on the condition he take an anger management class.

His reaction at the time: “I am a victim and this is a miscarriage of justice.”

UPDATE: After being stripped of his leadership positions, Brooklyn Senator Kevin Parker was released Saturday after pleading not guilty to felony criminal mischief in the alleged attack of a news photographer.

Police said New York Post photographer William Lopez snapped a picture of Parker on Avenue H in Flatbush, Brooklyn, and was then confronted by the senator.

Lopez told the Post that Parker chased him, and said when he tried to get in his car Parker attacked him, damaging his camera and one of the car’s doors.

In reaction, Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith said in a statement on Saturday that Parker would no longer serve as senate majority whip or chair of the energy committee and would not receive the related stipends.

“These are serious charges which demand the attention of the proper authorities, and my decision today will stand until resolution of the proceedings that Senator Parker faces,” wrote Smith.

Police said Parker was charged with a felony because of the value of the property he damaged.

(Source: WCBSTV / NY1)

7 Responses

  1. Not at all surprising considering his past violent episodes. Good thing he’s not married since he shows all the signs of being a potential domestic violence perp.

    He’s my State Senator and although perhaps well intentioned has not lived up to his potential or my expectations.

  2. A chaya blybt chaya!
    He’s no different since we voted for him twice.
    And #1, by the way, it was Noach Dear, not Simcha Felder.

    Editors Note: Actually it was Simcha Felder. Click HERE for more info.

  3. Press Release from Glenn Nocera. Glenn Nocera, 2008 Republican candidate for State Senate in the 21st District, released the following statement regarding the arrest of State Senator Kevin Parker:
    “My neighbors here in Kensington and the communities of the 21st District deserve a more honorable representative in the State Senate than this. Throughout his career, Mr. Parker has allegedly assaulted a traffic agent, attacked one of his staffers, had an altercation with a parking attendant in Albany and now has allegedly attacked a New York Post photographer. Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith made the right decision to strip him of his leadership posts and the accompanying stipend in the State Senate. Furthermore, in light of the overwhelming pattern of destructive behavior before us, coupled with next to no real accomplishments as a legislator, he should do the district a favor and resign immediately. We should all demand better behavior from our elected officials, especially not to conduct themselves like common street thugs.”

  4. I thought people were barred from voting in the Democratic primary? I remember this news item was posted on the Yeshiva World News website.

    But, I wouldn’t be surprised if Kevin Parker was behind those shenanigans either.

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