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WATCH: Yehudah Green Selichos At The West Side Synagogue 2015 – Yibane Hamikdosh

3 Responses

  1. Ivdu.. Besimcha.. is certainly a unique and authentic way to daven- even Selichos.
    But the women dancing in the same shul without a Mechitsa probably just makes the event as useful as a concert at a theatre downtown and is a Bizoyon Beis Hakneset. The Mechitza at services has been in place since the Beis Hamikdash, as mentioned in the Mishna Sukka.

  2. עשה לך רב
    This is what happens when one doesn’t have a Rav o give him proper guidance. Slichos is exactly what it sounds like. Asking Hashem forgiveness. Would yo go to a friend and start singing with joy asking forgiveness?

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