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Heatwave Continues Throughout Israel

heatwave.jpgMonday will be another hot day around Israel as the nation deals with the summer’s third major heatwave. Temperatures in Yerushalayim will hit 96 F and with the heat index, it will feel like 103 F.

Temperatures around Israel for Monday, 2 Elul 5775:
• Afula 99 F which feels like 104 F
• Eilat 113 F
• Ein Gedi 112/117 F
• Hebron 97/99 F
• Herzliya 95/101 F
• Holon 95/101 F
• Kiryat Gat 94/101 F
• Nahariya 95/105 F
• Shomron 96/103 F
• Tel Aviv 95/101F
• Tiveria 108/113 F
• Tzfas 96/104 F

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


One Response

  1. Please stop calling it “Tzfas.” No Hebrew speaking person, including chareidim, call it that. You don’t call Beit Shemesh “Bais Shemesh,” do you?

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