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MDA Files a Complaint with the Ministry of Health Against Pvt. Ambulance Company that Evacuated Critically Injured Boy

029Last week it was reported that a 3-year-old boy R”L was killed in collision involving a Bnei Brak family returning from Bein Hazmanim. The boy who died was transported from the scene by a private ambulance, not Magen David Adom. The EMS service has filed an official complaint against the ambulance company with the Ministry of Health. It is being alleged that if the child received care on the scene and during transport, the outcome may have been different.

The medical unit of MDA has filed the complaint pertaining the collision which claimed the life of Moishe Rotman, Yisrael Hayom reports. When EMS personnel arrived on the scene they did not see Moishe, leading to some confusion until passersby explained a private ambulance took him before their arrival.

MDA Chief Eli Bin is quoted explaining he is calling on the ministry to probe the transport of the child and if the proper care was administered. From the information received by MDA, the critically injured child was transported without receiving even the most minimal care enroute to the hospital. He explains that MDA personnel would not transport the child prior to stabilizing his condition. “We cannot know if the case would have had a different outcome but a probe is demanded” he is quoted saying.

MDA is basing the request to probe the private ambulance transport on statements from eyewitnesses who stated there were no EMTs or paramedics on the private ambulance. MDA has also learned the driver of the ambulance was returning from the garage and there was no crew on board other than himself. He contacted MDA and learned the paramedics were not near the scene. The driver reported the person(s) that accompanied him to the hospital lacked medical training.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. in my eyes its just a way for MDA to get the media off their backs why didn’t they arrive at the scene fast enough (as usual Hatsolo or Zaka arrives before MDA)

  2. This whole thing makes no sense from the start. how does Mda know what kind of care was given in the private ambulance? No need to say more…

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