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R’ Rosenberg: Baruch Hashem the Children Were in Mumbai

Speaking on Israel’s Memorial Day was Rabbi Shmuel Rosenberg, who addressed a state memorial ceremony for terror victims in Mt. Herzl Cemetery in Jerusalem.
Rav Rosenberg stated it was a good thing that his children, Rebbitzin Rivki and Rav Gavriel HY”D were sent to Mumbai, where they were able to help many other yidden.
He spoke of the family’s pride, as well as the “pain and longing” for the children that never heals or lessens.
He stressed the bracha associated with the fact that his daughter and son-in-law were shluchim of the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt”l, and he boasted the fact they spent their lives working to bring Jews closer to their roots, back to yiddishkeit.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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