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Sleepy Business: Obama’s Top Financial Adviser Falls Asleep While Obama Talks

ls.jpgLarry Summers, the president’s top financial adviser, apparently isn’t getting a lot of sleep.

For that or some other reason, as President Obama spoke to reporters inside the White House Thursday following a meeting with credit card company executives, Summers was photographed clearly asleep at the end of a table in the Roosevelt Room.

Click HERE for a link to one picture.

This isn’t the first time this has happened. Summers reportedly fell asleep during an economic summit at the White House in February, but there were no cameras at that event.

This time there will be pictures of Summers, hand in chin – and what’s worse – as the president is speaking.

(Written by Jon Ward, White House reporter, The Washington Times)

5 Responses

  1. I’ll chose “some other reason” which would be that the Obama is monotnous (sic?) and BORING!

    I will bet he is short for this administration. The Obama cannot tolerate someone who makes him look like the fool he is.

  2. another possibility is that the poor guy might have some sort of sleep disorder, which actually does exist and can be terribly embarrassing to the sufferer.

    that said, obama puts me to sleep, too, with his teleprompted cliched speeches…

  3. If people can fall asleep during their Rav’s shiur or Drosho, then there is no reason people shouldn’t do so during lehavdil Obama’s shmooz

  4. ReASSURING!!!

    Baruch ha-Shem the administration isn’t about to do something that would make him wake up in alarm.
    It is much better to have a government that is BORING rather than what that is TOO INTERESTING.

    P.S. and Obama’s pro-Wall Street, bi-partisan policy is somewhat boring, fortunately.

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