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Only In Israel – Police Nab Apologetic Thief

mishtara11.jpgA robber who held up a Bnei Brak postal bank branch was apprehended by police after he felt compelled to return to the scene of the crime to personally apologize to the teller he robbed.

The 32-year-old thief was captured on the bank’s security cameras, leading to police distributing his photo in the area of the branch, located on HaChalutzim Street.

The thief returned on Tuesday, explaining to the teller he was in dire straits due to his difficult financial situation but now, after the fact, he is extremely remorseful. Police are checking to see if he is connected to other robberies in the Gush Dan area.

The thief requested that his photo be removed from the Tel Aviv police website since he expressed remorse. The bank forwarded his letter to police leading to his apprehension at his home.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. this is not a case of Modeh bknas, neither is it Mi Kamcha. the title “ONLY IN ISRAEL” is misleading. Do you mean that a robber will apologize or do you mean that they will nab an apologetic robber. A ganav is a Ganav. The apology must have been because of personal interest. Had he been honest he never would have robbed a bank in the first place.His apology was probably because of his or his family reputation.The police acted correctly.He needs to be arrested and investigated. This is not a knos, this is an outright Ginaiva! Shame that Gnaivas happen all over Eretz Yisroel !!!!

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