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Syria Signals a Desire for Change but Continues to Support Terror

Chief of military intelligence Major-General Amos Yadlin on Monday told government ministers during a briefing session that while Syria signals an interest to enter into a dialogue with the United States, meeting with US delegations in Damascus, Bashar al-Assad continues to support terrorism and offers both Iran and Hizbullah all possible assistance.

Regarding Iran, Yadlin stated Tehran’s long-term goal is undoubtedly achieving nuclear independence. He explained that Iran however continues to act wisely, working at a pace that is not alarming the international community, but is nevertheless amassing enough enriched uranium that it will soon assemble a bomb. This is all being accomplished he explained without Iran compelling increased sanctions by the international community.
He did add cautiously however that the falling price of oil, rising unemployment and skyrocketing inflation may possibly damper Iran’s yearning for nuclear independence.

Regarding the situation in Gaza, Yadlin believes that Hamas remains restrained since Operation Cast Lead, working to prevent rocket attacks into southern Israel, which he points out are being carried out by a number of fringe terror organizations, not Hamas.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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