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Poll: New Yorkers Trash High Spending State Budget

pater1.jpgA majority of New Yorkers don’t like the historically high taxing and spending in the $131.8 billion budget crafted in secret by the state’s Democratic leaders.

The Quinnipiac University poll finds 60 percent of New Yorkers disapprove of the spending plan adopted last week. And 65 percent blame Gov. David Paterson and the Legislature for failing to show political courage and make tough decisions in a fiscal crisis.

Most of the $10 billion in added spending is covered by federal economic stimulus money, but that cash infusion ends next year. That will leave New York with a higher spending base, but less revenue.

The poll released Tuesday questioned 1,528 registered voters Wednesday through Sunday and has margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.

(Source: AP)

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