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President Obama to Visit Jerusalem and Ramallah in June

ob.jpgUS President Barak Obama will be making a visit to Israel in the beginning of June, the daily Haaretz reports. The president will also be visiting PA (Palestinian Authority) leaders in Ramallah.

The visit will follow Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s visit to the United States in May, where he will be attending the annual AIPAC conference.

The US State Department has announced that next week, Mideast envoy George Mitchell is expected to return to the region. He will be making stops in Jerusalem, Ramallah, as well as Gulf States and N. Africa. The visit will be Mitchell’s third visit since President Obama took office and his first visit since the new Israeli administration took office.

State Department officials explain Mitchell will work to advance the two state solution between Israel and the PA.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Going to Ramalah?!? Good Luck! Don’t waste Israeli money on security for him THERE! Let his good friends in the P.A. protect him, and like I said, GOOD LUCK!

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