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Pesach Hotel Programs Victim of World Economic Slump

seder.jpgThere no longer is a question of whether “going away” this Passover will be a victim of the world economic glut. The only question is by how much and the answers vary from 10% to as much as 25%.

European programs are taking the brunt of the belt tightening by traditional Passover vacationers. Some hotel programs were down by as much as a third. Many Israelis who were traditional European clients are opting instead for closer destinations. According to Globes, countries least hit are less expensive nearby destinations such as Greece and Cyprus.

Staff at the pre-flight check-in counters at Ben Gurion International Airport cannot remember such short lines in the days leading up to Passover. Travel agents report that the number of people taking vacations during the Passover holiday is down by 20-30% compared with last year, even though the cost of vacations in London and Paris had dropped to a five-year low. One of Jerusalem’s major hotels reduced prices by as much as 20% and offered 6 free meals and is still at 60% of capacity.

In the US, kosher food vendors say that hotels and other Passover programs have ordered as much as 25% less than last year. The guess is that business overall is off by a similar number as some programs consolidated and others renegotiated room contracts with hotels. One program operator said that “I feel like I am in the shuk (market) as people constantly call me and offer me the price they are willing to pay.” He admitted that he was “at least meeting them half day” although he was extremely concerned about his customers that were paying full price.

(Source: Kosher Today)

13 Responses


    anything that is not absolutely indispensible is being cut by consumers, fearful of the future.

  2. I just have a feeling there will be some of these horror stories where people show up and the hotel staff runs – no program

  3. Next thing you know, the depression/recession will force cutbacks on extravagent simchas, chandaliers in the front window, fancy sleep away camps, etc.

    Maybe the world’s economic collapse was really caused by our living too well, and all the stuff about the banking system gone insane is just a front Ha-Shem came up with so the goyim wouldn’t realize that the real cause was the Yidden spending too much on Ha-Olam ha-Zeh instead of worry about Torah and Mitsvos?????

  4. #7, #9 – It’s very difficult physically for me to make Pesach, and we can’t afford to go away. We never get to go away, ever (no relatives to go to). It would be nice to actually have an exodus from my house one year…!

  5. what did the yidin do during the time of the Beis Hamikdash??? They traveled to Yerushalaim and went to shul (BhM) right? and if they came from the north or the south or from anywhere far away what did they do? Go home and have a seder?..THEY SAID IN HOTELS IN THE CITY!!!!!!! why should they stay home now?? Many are still going to hotels in Yerushalaim

  6. Flatbusher, you may be able to buy the food, but if you arn’t up to serving it, or cleaning for Pessach, what then?

    I also know someone whose father died in Adar. They went away for Pessach that year because they couldn’t stay home.

    Many people find that going away is still a fine way to make Yom Tov. It may not be my way or yours but people shouldn’t be so judgmental.

    Another fall out is the kosher businesses that sell to the hotels are having a bad year as well. Everything trickles down’

  7. Times are rough, if hotels are 30% vacancy rate these are the 15-30% of the people that support our institutions and are unable to support at this time. My heart goes out to my brothers/sisters that find themselves in a state of constraint, may they again be blessed with having and sharing.
    I do not think we spend too much, families are responsible for their budgets. If you can’t afford something don’t buy..end of story….

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