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WATCH: Neturei Karta Explaining The Difference Between Judaism And Zionism To A Group Of Muslims

36 Responses

  1. At The same time, could they also explain the difference between them and the slime at the bottom of a polluted lake?

  2. We should all not forget that these same Muslims are the people that butchered rabbi Twersky hy”d with the other kedoshim. They had nothing with Zionism.

    This group of people are mechalel Shem shomayim!!!

  3. How dare this piece of trash mention the holy name of Rav Chaim Brisker ZT”L to a bunch of Jew Hating Arabs!
    What this animal doesn’t realize, is that if the murderess Palestinians ever take over CH”V, they will kill the Neturei Karta members first.

  4. For a Jew to get up in front of an audience of non-Jews and tell them what the Jews are doing wrong is not Jewish. Throughout Torah history, our legitimate leaders, from the Nevi’im to the Rishonim and Acharonim and contemporary kiruv organizations, have taken their criticisms of the behavior of Jews to the Jews, not to their enemies. The Neturei Karta stepping outside of this Torah mode of behavior is dispicable!

  5. I wonder if he would tell them where we will build the bais hamikdosh unless he doesn’t believe in moshiach or has a different religion

  6. Zionism before 1948 was just a concept. In 5775 (2015) we are talking about an existing country with 6 million Jews.
    To those that publicly advocate for the enemies of Israel and condemn when Israel defends its people from those thatr would destroy them all we can only say VLALSHINIM AL THEE TIKVA VCHALL HAMINIM CREGA YOVEIDU VCHAL OYVEI AMCHA MHEIRA YEKARAISU

  7. Do we all disparage the collaborationist leftists who do the same thing? Are they also animals and slime? Just wondering.

  8. The imrie emes ztz”l gerer rabbi before he moved to Israel from Poland he went to visit Israel to see how the Arabs are, he write they were helpful and nice people and he moved there… the only reason there is bloodshed and why harav twersky ztz”l was murdered by these rutzchim is cause of zionizim they heated up the whole Arab world agains jews

  9. He is neither Jewish nor Rabbi. Lower than the lowest piece of sewage. May they all merit to share eternity with Arafat and Ahmedinijad.

  10. This piece of treif says that “the settlers” are just a fringe element. What would he call him and his dogs?

  11. Why does Torah begin with B’reshit? Rashi explains so G-d tells the nations He is the one who decides what land belongs to whom. And this answers the question? Only if you understand HOW intimately the practice of Judaism is tied to the land of Israel. We are to practice this faith, this avodat HaShem in the Land! We observe not just the laws pertaining to the land itself, but all the laws… Kashrut, Shabbat etc. in the land. Outside of Israel all mitzvoth are just practice for when we can go back to the Land and really keep mitzvoth! Hence we MUST all be Zionists to really practice our faith as G-d intended. To say Zionism and Judaism are not related is pure apikorses. Does this group think Mashiach will arrive and redeem us to live in New York and Paris? Exactly where do they think the 3rd Beit HaMikdash is going to be? Do they mention the site on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to their Muslim friends?
    Rabbi Moshe Grylak in Mishpacha issue 563 Quotes a talmid chacham whom he didn’t name as saying there is a tradition that in the last generation before Geulah all the souls of the Eirev Rav … will break away (from the Jewish people). This was in reference to hurtful Left wing Jews but I think it applies to Neturei Karta as well.

  12. american_yerushalmi: Yes we do. But the difference is that the left wingers doe’t dress up to look like frum yidden. When someone does so, and claims to represent Torah, we have to stand up to him in the context of his approach. When the left wingers make their claims that explicitly reject Torah we respond to them based on their approach.

  13. I do, however, object to referring to collaborationists of either the left wing or Neturei Karta strips as animals. Animals are a much more respectable class of life.

  14. You don’t have to be a Neturei Karta or a friend of the Arabs to face the truth. Zionism is the reason Eretz Isroel is a secular country. They are the cause of all the Chilonim, not keeping Shabbos, not eating Kosher, gay parade and all the schmutz. The Chareidim are still a minority in Eretz Isroel and many frum jews became non-religious by going to Eretz Isroel. Let’s face it, the man is extremely charismatic and he was well spoken. May Moshiach came speedily to solve all our problems.

  15. If the Moslems were to control Yerushalyim he wouldn’t be at all welcome there. Let this man establish a kehilla in Saudi Arabia among his Moslem friends. Even if one disagrees with the establishment of a Jewish state before the coming of Moshiach, these lunatics go too far.

  16. Even the mainstream השקפה is that the hatred of ישמעאלים to us is directly linked to ארץ ישראל. But, mainly because there are Millions of Jews living in ארץ ישראל regardless if the government is Zionism or Hamas!!!

  17. people who live their life with hatred are generally screwed up. So they have a problem with (what was once) Zionism, so what, continue to live and enjoy Eretz Yisroel.

    but to go and give comfort to our enemies? how low can you go?

  18. I listened to this all the way through waiting for him to actually say something, but he just waffled. The only thing I understood was that he hates the national homeland of the Jews. I might take him seriously if he wasn’t wearing a Liquorice Allsort on his head, but I suppose the Muslim supremacists in his audience took him seriously despite it, because they like nothing better than Jews who hate Jews. For this reason, this man is not just a silly fool to be laughed at, he is a traitor to his own people.

  19. Once again YWN posts something just to incite. YWN stop posting these neturi karta/anti-zionist videos and articles just to create macklokes!A Jew should never call another Jew “slime” “trash” “lowest of low” “sewage” “animals” it’s Lashon Hara. Every single Jew is a spark of the Creator.

  20. To #19: OHRHKY

    The Rosh Yeshiva Rav Eliezer Menachem Shach zt”l often used to say, “We are the real zionists!” Of course, he did not mean chas ve’shalom the Zionism of promiscuity in the army, to’eiva bars and parades, rampant drug abuse, violence in the schools, should I continue? He meant that those who daven thrice daily ותחזינה עינינו בשובך לציון are the true lovers of Eretz Yisrael. So, trying to equate the abovementioned type of Zionism with Judaism, THAT is pure apikorses. When Eretz Yisrael is a means for drawing closer to Hashem, it is indeed a very significant component in a person’s avodas Hashem. Those who have made Eretz Yisrael into a means for distancing Jews from Torah, I think all frum Jews are united in opposing that.
    The gentleman in the video and indeed all the various Neturei Karta spokesmen are not residents of Eretz Yisrael. They are self-appointed “representatives,” citizens of the U.S.A., Canada, UK, Belgium, Austria, and other countries. Other than what they think Reb Yoilish Mi’Satmer might say, they have no daas Torah guiding them. Incidentally, not everything they say is wrong, but their overtures to Moslem individuals or groups is both idiotic and potentially accessorizing them to crimes perpetrated by Moslems against Jews. They are to some degree victims of their own propaganda that the poor Arabs, who really seek camaraderie with the Jews, but those nasty seculars are guilty of fomenting trouble. Whatever the Arabs were or weren’t in 1900 or 1920, they are not the same today. They cannot or do not want to understand that they are giving succor to murderers. No gadol ba’Torah today supports such ideas. Yes, do whatever possible to diminish the animosity, the friction between the two nations (admittedly not much is possible these days), but not to provide any kind of comfort or understanding for ISIS, Islamic Jihad, the Moslem Brotherhood, al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda, etc. Because when it come rachmana li’tzlan to hating and murdering Jews, they are all the same.
    Personally, I think cutting off their “oxygen supply” by not reporting their antics, would diminish them, much more than publishing articles about them and criticizing them. They seem to thrive on the attention and media exposure.
    May Hashem send Mashiach Tzidkeinu bimeheira be’yameinu, amen!

  21. The Neturei Karta spokesman mentioned that Judaism is just a religion; well, Saadya Gaon calls Yiddishkeit a nation, not religion. Thus,the NK’s whole thesus is hogwash.

  22. BS”D

    YWN Readers, please don’t get mad at me. Plus, my filter won’t let me see the video, so I realize that I’m speaking from near-total ignorance. But I’m just wondering about an idea, and I want to see what people think.

    To summarize: are people bothered by the content of the NK Yid’s statements, or are people bothered by his view that Moslems can be educated to abandon their hatred of Yidden? Most of the comments above suggest that people are bothered by the former. Comments #2 and #3 suggest that the real problem is the latter. I’m thinking that most of the comments put the debate in the wrong place.

    Here’s more of what I mean. I’m sure that the NK Yid said lots of wild and bad things about Israel and Zionists and “settlers” etc. to the Moslems. This is what bothers most of the commenters. But is it possible that he legitimately thinks that the Moslems can be counter-brainwashed to not hate every Jew? In other words, we all think that the Moslems want to kill all Yidden everywhere, and many of them probably do (see Hamas, ISIS, Hezbollah, etc. Hashem yishmoreinu). But it could be that this NK Yid thinks that the avergae Moslem can be un-brainwashed to thereby not hate every Jew and not want to kill every Jew. Such Moslems, so the thinking goes, really just want the State of Israel to go away and for sovereignty in Israel to be given to Moslems. If that were to happen, they really might just leave the Jews alone. And if they thought that most Jews actually are in favor of this outcome, these Moslems might actually calm down or try to induce their more ruthless brothers and cousins to calm down. According to this assumption, would it be okay for a Yid even to lie and exaggerate in order to accomplish this goal? Most of the commenters assume that the NK Yid means everything he says (and maybe he does, and like I said, I didn’t watch the video), but then again, maybe it’s all calculated to rebrainwash the Moslems.

    A friend of mine once told me that he had once heard from the mouth of an old-time Yid, a friend-of-the-NK something to the effect: “The American Jewish establishment calls Farakhan a racist and anti-semite and an evil man. How does that help? Farakhan leads a group of hundreds of thousands of black men — why would the Left want to insult him and provoke him?! Better to say things that he wants to hear and explain to him that the average Jew in America does not want to displace the Moslems in Israel or the Middle East or wherever. In other words, who cares what I say to Farakahn so long as he keeps his angry mob away from Jewish people in America?”

    Bottom line: do YWN readers have a hard time with the underlying assumption or just the content of the NK’s comments? I think the former is really what needs to be focused on; the latter might just be gamesmanship. In other words, don’t get so bent out of shape about what the NK Yid says; get upset with his idea that it’s possible to “educate” Moslems. Or maybe even this idea is not so crazy?

    Wondering what people think.

  23. to #32 I also was thinking another reason for Neturei Karta types is the feeling that when Moslems get worked up against Israel they may be able to protect their own kind (chasseidim?) by publicly showing they are anti-state of Israel, even joining terrorist supporters in protests and publicly burning Israeli flags. Sort of like if during Krystall macht hwne Nazis burnt down shuls if some of these types of “proud Jews
    ‘ burnt down some shuls as well maybe they will be nicer to them. sort of the ultra galua yid that actually accts anti-Semitic to seek favor in the eyes of Jew haters.

  24. Eeeeeeehhhhhhh, (Big X). Wrong!!! I’ve marched at the parade and I’m an MO Jew. My MO high school marched and other MO schools and shuls marched in support.

    Eeeeeehhhhhhh(Double X)—for saying the arab countries and Iran are good to Jews. Syria slaughters their OWN people for crying out loud. You think Jews want to stay there? Why do you think R’ Ovadia Yosef ZTL and R’ Yitzchak Kaduri ZTL moved from their arab countries to Israel?

  25. Rabiyy: What you’re saying is very clever, but it just doesn’t seem to be the case. Jews around the world definitely need a better PR, but it cannot be associated with a group that constantly calls for the destruction of Israel (neturei karta and oh yeah, the Iran regime). Zionistic religious Jews like myself need to stand up and explain that while the old Zionism was indeed based on an anti-religious foundation, today we cannot support entities like Hamas and even the so-called moderate PA that don’t recognize Israel’s right to exist and celebrate killing Jews. When people like Abbas stand up and say look “we’re not thrilled with Jews being here, but bottom line they’re here, and we have no interest in expelling them”, we’ll be able to have a better and more coordinated PR effort to make peace.

    But for now, too many just want us dead. He’s not helping us. He’s hurting us. It gives fodder for anti-zionistic Goyim to say “It’s not Judaism to be zionistic. Therefore, we’re going to destroy you by expelling you out of Israel (and maybe worst), Chas V’shalom”.

    If we want to “calm down the Moslems”, we need to explain that normal religious zionistic Jews do NOT support racist, barbaric, and intimidating practices towards Palestinians such as the “price tag Jews” which was condemned by many including R’ Ovadia Yosef ZTL and even Netanyahu himself. We do NOT support harassing and killing Moslems just because they’re Moslem. For better or for worse, unfortunately, it’s ALMOST ALWAYS the other way around (i.e. THEY WANT TO KILL US.)

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