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Yahrzeit for Fallen IDF Soldier Max Steinberg HYD

msMarking a year since IDF soldier Max Steinberg fell in Operation Protective Edge, there will be an aliyah to his kever in Har Herzl on Thursday, 22 Tammuz at 18:30.

Steinberg served in the Golani Brigade of the IDF as a lone soldier from the United States. After his petira it was made known that he had no family here and there were few to attend his levaya and give him a last kovod. The call was spread via social media and over 30,000 people attended the levaya, resulting in a significant Kiddush Hashem and providing a comfort for the bereaved parents.

Steinberg was killed when his armored personnel carrier was hit in the Shajaia area of Gaza. His parents attended his levaya, coming from the USA. For them, it was a sad first visit to Eretz HaKodesh. They have since significantly increased ties with Israel and on Sunday, 25 Tammuz, they will be donating a Sefer Torah to the Lone Soldier Center.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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