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Arab Media: Shalit Decision in the Coming 48 Hours

gilad13.jpgThe al-Hayat newspaper has reported progress in the talks towards a prisoner exchange deal with Israel. It now appears, at least according to unconfirmed Arab media reports, Hamas is now willing to comply with Israeli demands that some of the released terrorists are exiled abroad due to Israeli fears if permitted to reenter PA (Palestinian Authority) autonomous areas, they will return to their terrorist activities.

Arab media sources report the “coming 48 hours are critical” and will determine if the outgoing Olmert administration will close a deal to bring Shalit home or not.

Special envoy Ofir Dekel on motzei Shabbos returned to Egypt, lending a modicum of credibility to the Arab media reports, with the Prime Minister’s Office confirming Dekel’s presence in Egypt, but declining comment on any of the information and rumors.

The daily Yisrael HaYom reports the Islamic Jihad website reports a deal is about to be closed on a prisoner release agreement.

The Shalit family is not commenting but the reports of an imminent deal may result in bereaved families resuming activities opposed to the release of terrorists from Israeli prisons.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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