Yaakov Katz: The Political Novice Likely to Remain in Opposition

Many political analysts have expressed surprise over the stern position taken by Ichud HaLeumi leader MK Yaakov Katz (Ketzaleh), whose four mandate party does not bring too much stability to the coalition, yet in post election media interviews repeatedly listed his demands, exhibiting an air of optimism over Likud’s need to include the party in the government.

“I know Netanyahu for many years” Katz stated in his interviews, assured the right-wing prime minister would adhere to the party’s demands, promoting the interests of the residents and communities throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

Suddenly, Ichud HaLeumi finds itself outside the loop and a non-essential component of the coalition following the signing of a deal with the 13-seat Labor Party.

Following the announcement of Labor’s inclusion in the coalition, Katz stated, “Netanyahu signed with everyone as per their demands. He will have to give us what we want too”.

Katz expressed a willingness to continue coalition talks with Likud negotiators, but added, “Unlike other parties,” his party is not willing to compromise towards entering the coalition.

Likud is also still interested in signing a deal with the Bayit HaYehudi party, which has three mandates. Negotiations towards achieving this goal are ongoing. Delays have been caused more due to in-fighting in the party, not due to snags in talks.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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