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High Court Hears Petition to Prevent Aryeh Deri from Serving as a Cabinet Minister

deriThe High Court of Justice on Tuesday, 6 Tammuz, heard a petition filed by the Movement for Quality Government (MQG) against Shas party leader Aryeh Deri. The petitioners feel Deri is not suited to serve as a cabinet minister after he was convicted of fraud, bribery and breach of trust.

MQG leader attorney Eliad Shraga lamented that Deri sits on the Security Cabinet and MK (Likud) Oren Hazan serves as a Deputy Knesset Speaker despite the serious allegations against him.

Shraga told the press he is hopeful the court will address the petition with the seriousness it warrants and that it will decide to send Deri home.

“Deri never expressed remorse. He did everything short of expressing remorse. A person who does not express remorse is not suited to be a cabinet minister and public representative in the State of Israel”.

Shraga asked for an expanded seven-justice panel to hear the case. The court’s ruling will be forthcoming at a future date.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Emotions and hate don’t create laws guys! There is no law against anybody who didn’t “express remorse” running for office or being a politician.

  2. MQG is an evil group of rabid anti-religious haters.If anti-Israel enemies such as Zoabi can be Knesset members ,certainly someone who was framed and served time like Deri can be a cabinet member!

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