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Shas Signs a Coalition Deal with Likud

shas1.jpgShas and Likud negotiators reached a deal in the middle of the night bringing Shas into the new coalition government. The agreement provides for a number of cabinet posts for Shas, including Eli Yishai as minister of the interior and Ariel Atias as minister of housing. Shas will also receive the ministry of religious services again. The party’s Council of Torah Sages will decide who will hold the slot currently filled by Yitzchak Cohen. Shas will also have a minister in the Prime Minister’s Office. The details of this position will be worked out between Shas leader Eli Yishai and Premier-designate Binyamin Netanyahu.

Chief Likud negotiator Gideon Saar announced that now, there are 53 MKs supporting the forming coalition and he remains confident that in the coming days, other will come on board, hoping to include Yahadut HaTorah, Ichud HaLeumi and Bayit HaYehudi. Depending on the outcome of the vote on the Labor Party central committee on Tuesday, Labor may also be heading to the coalition.

Likud and Labor negotiators are planning to meet on Monday ahead of the central committee meeting.

The coalition agreement with Shas provides for a budget for mosdos Torah in 2009 and 2010 amounting to NIS 975 million annually of which NIS 720 million is to be included in the state budget. Any of that sum not actualized, not exceeding NIS 100 million, will be moved to the extra funds of 2010 and used for mosdos Torah. The coalition agreement also states the budget for mosdos Torah will not be cut in 2009.

Regarding monthly child allowance payments, the agreement states that NIS 1.4 billion will be added to the payments incrementally over the next three years by amending the Bituach Leumi Law. Provisions will be made to provide additional funds for a second, third and fourth child at the rate of NIS 93 per child.

Shas will also have three representatives on the Security Cabinet, as well as having representation on the committee that appoints dayanim. Two Shas ministers will serve on the Ministerial Legislation Committee as well as a Shas MK serving as a deputy Knesset speaker and another Shas MK heading the Knesset Interior Committee.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Go ahead Litzman and gafne, slug it out while the Sefardim with achdus get it all. Is this what is meant by ein lachchomim lechem? The chasidish and litvish chacholmim will be on the outside while the dumb sefardim get it all? Why can’t we have achdus?

  2. Seems like Shas got a very good deal. Shas is in control of all that matters to the frum community. If only the other frum parties stopped bickering they would get equally sweet deals.

  3. theprof1: Achdus does not include Ashkenazim and Sefardim??? How does calling our brethren “dumb” promote unity among klal Yisroel?

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