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Netanyahu: There is a Dialogue between Lieberman & Egypt

In response to concerns over the appointment of Yisrael Beitenu leader Avigdor Lieberman as foreign minister, aides to Premier-designate Binyamin Netanyahu over the weekend released a message that there is an ongoing dialogue between Foreign Minister-designate Avigdor Lieberman and Egyptian officials towards maintaining the good relations that exist between both countries.

There is particular concern that Egypt may boycott a celebration marking 30 years of diplomatic ties between the country, but the incoming prime minister insists there is no need for concern, stating this just is not so.

Egypt is signaling that Cairo’s delay in authorizing its ambassador to Israel to take part in the event is not at all related to the Lieberman appointment or efforts to influence the process of the formation of Israel’s new government.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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