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The Champion of Hypocrisy Accuses Israel of War Crimes

iaf2.jpgThe United Nations, which many years ago openly became a major spokesman of the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic voice of the world is once again fulfilling its role, with a so-called human rights investigator accusing Israel of war crimes in reference to the IDF’s performance in Operation Cast Lead, the recent counter-terror military offensive in Gaza.

Investigator Richard Falk accuses Israel of ignoring the Geneva Convention regarding warfare in densely populated civilian areas; despite the toll the IDF endured avoiding this very issue, sacrificing the lives of soldiers and others sustaining major injuries, to avoid injuring innocent PA civilians in Gaza. 

Not placing the responsibility on Hamas, the terror regime which runs Gaza, Falk states if avoiding civilian casualties is unachievable, then the offensive is unlawful since targeting civilians is unacceptable and against the Geneva Convention. Falk alleges 1,434 were killed in Gaza, citing 960 were civilians, totally ignoring Israeli intelligence lists naming the almost all the dead, whom have been identified as terrorists, not “innocent civilians”. He fails to details the fact that Hamas leaders positioned themselves inside hospitals and schools, and the fact that rockets were launched from inside civilian population centers.

Falk also condemns Israel’s ongoing embargo on Gaza, adding this to his list of war crimes, calling for an international probe against Israel’s illegal actions. He goes as far as to suggest the Security Council establish an ad hoc tribunal to investigate Israel’s actions.

Prior to Cast Lead, Falk tried entering Israel to visit Gaza, but was not permitted to enter the country because he is a known for his vehement anti-Israel position.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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