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Thursday Afternoon News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

**A fuel tanker overturned on Route 85 near Carmiel on Thursday afternoon. Emergency response teams operated on the scene to contain the leak of diesel fuel.

**A Lebanese man was killed by a mine which Lebanese officials insist were placed during the Second Lebanon War by Israel.

**Zaka volunteers were unable to resuscitate a 6-month-old Bnei Brak infant who was pronounced dead in Tel Hashomer Hospital on Thursday.

**Labor Party Secretary Eitan Cabel canceled a faction meeting for Friday, leaving party leader Ehud Barak fuming as Barak continues efforts to enlist support for joining the coalition government. Cabel insists Labor must remain in opposition as Netanyahu did when he lost the election.

**Student union leaders in the nation’s universities are calling on students in Tel Aviv U. and Jerusalem’s Hebrew U. to refuse to pay scheduled tuition increases this year.

**Cairo talks between Fatah and Hamas towards a unity government broke off on Thursday morning without success.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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