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Moses: No Coalition Deal Without Charedi Housing Solution

charedi2.jpgYahadut HaTorah MK Menachem Eliezer Moses points out that without a solution to the chareidi sector housing shortage, there will be no coalition deal signed.

Moses stated this week the critical housing shortage for young chareidi couples is the sector’s most pressing issue and as such, the matter must be addressed, receiving the prominence the situation demands.

“We will not accept evasive responses but are demanding dealing with the issue and a proposing a concrete solution” he stated.

Moses has many years of experience in the field and continues to consult with non-governmental and governmental experts towards finding a solution. He is calling on all chareidi representatives to work in concert towards finding a solution to this urgent matter, emphasizing this remains a paramount issue pertaining to Yahadut HaTorah entering the coalition.

Moses is also working to establish a Knesset lobby, pointing out that young couples who seek to purchase a modest apartment find it almost impossible to do so, explaining the mortgages and government assistance has been reduced while prices have increased.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. so what’s more important:

    the economics of Hareidim in Eretz Yisrael

    subsidy of the yeshivos

    control over the West Bank

    requiring some hilonim to go to Cyprus for their marriage

    [and without even mentioning abortion, which claims more Jewish lives per year than the war with the Arabs has claimed in three generations)

  2. What happens if the Likud proposes the only non-miraculous lom=ng term solution to the problem.

    Have less children.

  3. Both #1 and #2 – I’m not understanding your comments. 1) The Hareidi parties are the mouth pieces of the Gedolim. What are you worried about? 2) “Have less children” – that’s not going to happen, so the point is mute and they know it. Trust the gedolim.

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