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PHOTO ESSAY: Kever of Reb Elimelech of Lizensk on his Yartzheit

15.jpgAmidst the stares of curious locals and the cameras of photojournalists, thousands of people converge upon the kever of the Noam Elimelech in Lizensk, Poland to pour their hearts out.

For the few days surrounding the yartzheit, the town is overrun by yidden, who supply an ample source of income to local establishments there. Among the thousands who visited the kever were many rabbonim and admorim. Event organizers and Hatzolah volunteers coordinated with local authorities to keep the are safe.

Yeshiva World News brings you there with this amazing photo essay.

Click HERE for photos.

(Yehuda Boltshauser – YWN Israel)

PHOTOS: S.B. Korn / Boltshauser Images

7 Responses

  1. כ”ק האדמו”ר רבי דוד’ל מראחמיסטריווקא שליט”א היה ג”כ שם בהיו”ד

  2. I was zoche to be inside the Ohel to witness Reb Leibish Shlit”a warmly greet the Rachmastrivka Rebbe Shlit”a.

  3. The atmosphere in the Ohel was amazing. People opened their hearts and davening loud to be answered in the Zchus of the tzadik.
    On our flight from London, there was a large group who flew in from America, including HaRav Shmuel Dishon.
    It’s not only Chasidim who come, but Yidden from right across the spectrum.
    May all our Tfilos be niskabel.

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