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Yishai: Outgoing Administration Will Not Bring Shalit Home

yishai.jpgShas leader Eli Yishai told reporters on Tuesday that he does not believe the current outgoing administration will succeed in bringing Gilad Shalit home from Hamas captivity.

Yishai explained that today’s meeting was set to permit ministers to vote in favor of a prisoner exchange deal, but instead, they are being briefed on efforts to reach an agreement with Hamas that were unsuccessful.

Yishai stated it was most unlikely that the current government would work a miracle in its final days, but quickly added the incoming administration will be no less committed to bring Shalit home.

Noam Shalit to PM: You Are Responsible to Bring Gilad Home:

In his letter to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Tuesday, Mr. Noam Shalit made a heartfelt appeal as a father, from a “family waiting for their son” to bring Gilad home before stepping down from office. “After 996 days” he wrote, he called on the outgoing prime minister to work a miracle, speaking of the last years his son spent in a Hamas “dungeon”.

“I request from you unequivocally to bring my son home, despite the high price…”

The letter continues, speaking of his son spending almost three years “rotting in dark tunnels” and that his release “is your responsibility”.

On Tuesday morning, Mr. Shalit commented that the current administration would not bring his son home, visibly disturbed and pained following the return from Egypt of the government’s special envoys, who after 48 hours of intensive talks, failed to close a deal to bring the soldier home.

Ofer Dekel met with Noam and Aviva Shalit, Gilad’s parents, and Yoel (brother) in Jerusalem’s Park Hotel on Tuesday for about an hour, briefing them on efforts to secure Gilad’s release.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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