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Olmert: I Hope HaKadosh Baruch Hu Will Assist Me to Bring Shalit Home

olmert1.jpgAddressing a leadership gathering in Tel Aviv on Thursday, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stated “I daven that HaKadosh Baruch Hu will assist me in bringing Gilad Shalit home in the coming days”.

While there are no officials announcements of a deal pertaining to Shalit, the buzz once again points to an imminent deal after special envoy Ofir Dekel spent 48 hours in Cairo, engaged in intensive talks towards reaching a deal with Shalit.

Some media reports on Friday speak of agreement by Israel to release all of the terrorists on Hamas’ list, but there are still snags pertaining to Israeli demands that the terrorists not return to Yehuda and Shomron, fearing the reality they will most likely return to their terrorist ways.

The London-based al-Hayat newspaper reports that Israel has only agreed to release 210 of the list of 450, adding Israel refuses to permit 120 terrorists to return to autonomous areas throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

The daily HaMevaser reports Egypt is calling for a large dose of “flexibility” on both sides. According to the report, Egypt exerted significant pressure on Hamas to commit to intensive talks in Cairo towards reaching a deal with Israel. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. Rabosei, I think Moshiach is coming!

    This is the first time that this hoodlum Olmert invoked the name of HaKadosh Boruch Hu.

    He’s finally coming to realization that “Ein Lonu Mi L’Heesho’ain Elah Al Aveenu SheBashomayim”…

  2. To #2: What is your point? Had Olmert invoked “Kochi v’Otzem Yadi,” he would have been criticized for leaving the Ribbono Shel Olam out of the picture. Now that he mentioned Him, he gets criticized as well?

  3. I certainly do hope HaSh-m will bring Gilad Shalit home well and soon, but it will NOT change the evil legacy of olmert, – a legacy of expelling thousands of Jews from their homes, of destroying Jewish communities, yeshivot, shuls, farms, and businesses, of exhuming Jewish bodies from their graves, of giving over parts of Eretz Yisrael to the yishmaeli enemy that has vowed to destroy us, of beating and imprisoning young boys and girls who “dared” to defy him, and of enabling our enemy to strengthen themselves and cause more Jewish blood to be shed. In short,- a legacy of chilul HaSh-m!

  4. Give me a break. This is just another childish face-saving tactic: he’s discovered someone new to blame when he leaves office without a deal.
    “Its G-d’s fault!” he’ll say.

    Sorry Mr Olmert, but we’re not gonna fall for this pathetic strategy. Since when are you the big Ma’amin?? Pull the other…

  5. this is a positive devolepment in the polictacl/spiritiul areana of israeli politics it means polititions do not feel their popularity is threatened by so to speak wearing thier religus beliefs on there sleeves but ithink its a bit early to start anionting omlret as moshiach

  6. the point is – the fact that an Israeli feels it necessary – whether for emesdige or even if it is just some ploy (which one would have to explain what he gains by this – I am not so sure) to say he is davening to HKBH, is HUGE. This would never have happened as short as 5 years ago.

    Oh the times they are a changin’

    Whatever it says about Olmert (and it just might say something about him!) it says a lot about the national state of Klal Yisroel. A huge positive turn.

  7. As much as I’m NOT a fan of this guy, and neither is any yid who has any yiddishe hartz, I must give him tremendous credit for this.

    Even Achav and other evil Jewish leaders (who were MUCH worse than today’s Israeli gov’t people) were answered when they beseeched Hashem in their times of distress.

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