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Rav Chaim Miller Working to Save Bikur Cholim

emergency3.jpgFormer Jerusalem deputy mayor and noted askan R’ Chaim Miller is working to save Bikur Cholim Hospital amid reports the ailing medical organization is on the verge of collapse.

R’ Miller also heads the Movement for Jerusalem and its Residents, compelling him to contact Premier-designate Binyamin Netanyahu. Miller explained he has seen the protocol (minutes) of the last meeting of the hospital’s directors, pointing to the extremely bleak financial situation which was caused by the hospital’s owner, Arkadi Gaydamak leaving Israel, apparently divesting of his interests which include the hospital.

Miller explained to Netanyahu that talk of the closure of Bikur Cholim is unacceptable, stating the closure would leave the center of the capital without a hospital; further stressing Bikur Cholim plays a vital role in providing medical care to the chareidi community.

He stated that if the hospital is closed, a sick person from one of the adjoining neighborhoods would be compelled to make his way to Hadassah or Shaare Zedek Hospitals. During heavy traffic times of the day, which today exists most of the day due to light railway construction, those seeking medical care would be significantly delayed as a result of Bikur Cholim’s closure.

Miller states he plans to take on the fight to keep Bikur Cholim open and his organization with spearhead a battle, calling on Jerusalem city councilmen to join in towards preventing the closure of one of the city’s hospitals.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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