It was a touching ceremony in Jerusalem’s Har Choma neighborhood last week, the dedication of a new Chabad-affiliated kindergarten in memory of Rabbi Gavriel and Rebbitzin Rivki Holtzberg HY”D. The new kindergarten is part of the Chabad educational network, organized by the Chabad shaliach in Har Choma Rav Menachem Brand. The kindergarten is an official entity, recognized by Jerusalem City Hall and the Education Ministry’s chareidi education division.
Rav Shimon Rosenberg, Rav Gavriel’s father-in-law delivered an emotional address, expressing his appreciation for Rav Brand’s efforts to establish the kindergarten in memory of the Kedoshim.
Also speaking was R’ Meir Porush, who stated the activities of the Jerusalem Beis Chabad are just beginning, promising to continue doing his utmost to assist Chabad-related activities in the future.
Other city officials were also present, including Deputy Mayor Rav Yitzchak Pindrus.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)