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Maran Rav Shteinman: Kavod HaTorah Applies on Purim

shteinmann.jpgA letter being circulated in batei medrashim around Eretz Yisroel from Maran Rav Leib Shteinman Shlita reminds bochrim not to permit the Purim atmosphere to take them off track, making mention of chas v’sholom making fun of rabbonim and teachers – reminding talmidim that the halachos of kovod Ha’torah apply on Purim as well.

In the letter date 2 Adar, the Rosh Yeshiva Shlita reminds talmidim that the days of Purim are intended to increase the connection between one another, and towards that goal, one should not embarrass others. 

Rav Shteinman reminds bochrim that embarrassing colleagues and rabbonim is a grave offense, one that receive punishment in this world and the next world, explaining that usually, Hashem does not punish in this world too, but this is a grave matter.

The Rosh Yeshiva calls for enhancing relationships, “l’harbot b’ahava’ but if this is not possible, at the very least, one should not cause others pain by embarrassing them.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. The Rosh Yeshiva’s points are very well-taken, although it is unfortunate that this needed to be said. I hope that some Gedolim will also speak out that any drinking should be done in moderation (perhaps a physician can weigh in regarding how to drink without getting sick), that drinking and driving is a Sakanah and is completely forbidden according to both Halacha and secular law, and that no one should try to “honor” Purim by smoking.

  2. and “Kavod ha-Torah” doesn’t apply other times?

    I must hang out with a bunch of dull fanatics. Are there really frum people who think that acting like drunken/high goyim is a minhag??????

  3. akuperma, you are not getting the message.

    Doing Tshuva is an inyan every day of the week, SO why do we emphasize it during the month of Elul and on erev Rosh Chodesh only?
    Reminders of certain halachas are given at the times that people will be most lax, eg. When going to birchas kohanim at the kosel, be wary of tznius and mingling issues, during bein hazamanim be sure to daven with a minyan, when filing taxes be honest (? just then and not the other days of the year).
    The days preceding Purim, reminders about drinking, driving, spending lavishly on MM, too much levity are IN ORDER.

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