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LIES from the Palestine News Agency

I noticed this article on the Palestine News Agency website and felt It should be pointed out to you how the Arab media totally fabricates stories.–YW Editor.

Jewish colonizers, guarded by Israeli soldiers, stormed Thursday a mosque in the West Bank city of Hebron and performed rituals in it, witnesses and local sources said.

The sources said that a number of armed colonisers stormed “al-Nabi Yossef” Mosque in Halhoul town of the Hebron and performed Jewish prayers and rituals inside it.

They added that the colonisers stayed in the mosque for more than half an hour, stressing that the Israeli soldiers, in the area, did not even try to prevent them from storming the Mosque.

Meanwhile, mayor of Halhoul Dr. Ziyad Abu Yossef condemned the colonisers’ assault, pointing out it is not the first time that colonisers carry out such assaults.


4 Responses

  1. Big deal! What else is new? Are we gonna protest?

    Also what does this have to do with your motto “Anything & Everything about the yeshiva world”

  2. To me, it looks like they entered Kever Yosef HaTzaddik and daavened there. I have no trouble believing this.

    This sounds like the same kever that the Arabs took by storm a few years ago, and stole from us and turned it into a mosque. At the time, they claimed that it was never a shul or even “considered holy by Jews at all, in any way.”

    I wonder what actually happened, if anything at all.

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