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A Foot of Snow Is Predicted for New York City

snow_storm.jpgOld Man Winter will surely be making his presence felt Sunday night and Monday

The tri-state already received a wintry mix of snow and sleet early Sunday. That round of precipitation tapered off in the afternoon, and now we’re awaiting the evening arrival of a far stronger bout of snow.

Nearly a foot of accumulation is expected for our area.

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The system has already started to bring snowfall to Washington, D.C. and the Cape May area, and is rapidly making its way toward the tri-state.

Eastern Long Island is expected to receive as much as 12 inches in accumulation, while the City and coastal areas will receive 10-14 inches, and areas north and west of the City will top out around 10 inches.

The National Weather Service issued a winter storm warning for our entire area from Sunday night until Monday evening at 6 p.m.

Temperatures Sunday will reach a high of 36. Northeast gusts up to 25 mph are also expected.

Approximate timeline of the storm’s progression through the tri-state:

7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Snow begins to move into the area from southwest to northeast. It will be light at first. Winds will increase. Sustained winds will average 15 mph with gusts to 25 mph. Temperature: Near 30 degrees with wind chill in the mid teens.

9 p.m. to 1a.m. Snow will vary between light and moderate. There could be a coating on the ground by 11pm in the city. There will be more snow to the southwest of NYC. An inch or two could be on the ground by 1 am. Winds will increase to 20 mph with gusts to 30 mph. Temperature will drop to 27-28 degrees. Wind chills drop to 10-15 degrees.

2 a.m. to 10 a.m. This is the height of the snow. Snow will vary between moderate and heavy. Snowfall rates will range from 1 to 2 inches per hour. This will have a huge impact on the early morning commute, if there is one. It would not be surprising to see the airports shut down for a time during this timeframe. Temperatures will be near 26 or 27 degrees with winds of 25 mph with gusts to over 40 mph. This will cause considerable blowing and drifting of the snow. This will have a major impact on roadway snow clearing operations. Wind chills at this time will be in the single digits. Most of the accumulating snow will occur during this timeframe. Look for about 6-8″ of snow on the ground in NYC by 10am.

10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The snow will begin to wind down. Most of the accumulation snow will be over by now, but there could still be another inch or two. Winds will continue sustained at 25-30 mph with gusts to over 40 which will continue to hamper snow removal operations.

Monday night: While the snow will be over, there will be considerable blowing and drifting of the snow. This will continue to hamper clean up. Temperatures will continue to drop…ending up in the teens overnight with wind chills 5 to 10 degrees below zero.

Final accumulations for NYC are expected to fall in the 6-10″ range, but could surpass that by several inches.


Monday: High 27, Low 13
Snow in the morning, then snow likely in the afternoon. Snow may be heavy at times in the morning. Windy and cold with highs in the mid 20s. North winds 15 to 25 mph. Gusts up to 35 mph in the morning. Chance of snow near 100 percent.

Tuesday: High 25, Low 20
Mostly sunny and brisk. Cold with highs in the mid 20s. Northwest winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. Wind chill values as low as zero.

Wednesday: High 34, Low 22
Mostly sunny. Cold with highs in the mid 30s.

Thursday: High 40, Low 29
Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 40s

(Source: WCBSTV)

14 Responses

  1. Please let us know as soon as you have info on any school closings. Perhaps you can have a designated spot on the YWN site listing all of the school closings so we can check in and see what’s doing?

  2. I would like to suggest that a system to be set up by the various shuls and other places of davening,that those who can give rides to people to come to minyan should have a list of those who need a ride;ie-elderly or disabled who use walkers or wheelchairs.This would be very helpfiul on days with snow.Another suggestion is that the shuls should have vans and use them regularly to drive people to and from the shul .If someone would want to do a new chessed act,this would be one,so that more shut-ins and disabled could daven with minyan,at least on weekdays.

  3. #4- It might be more kidai for people to find a place where they can have a minyan (especially on days you don’t need a sefer torah), like somebody’s house, on snow days.


  5. hey #4, instead of sitting at your computer & thinking up great ideas for others, how about YOU get out there & volunteer!

  6. The white paradise is a pain in the neck for drivers, the elderly, parents with carriages and for families who are low on food.
    “Let the sun shine” – and bring on a quick thaw.

  7. for all my friends down south in the states — you sound a bit wimpy to us canadishe Yidden. we never close schools because of bad weather. on the other hand we never get even one inch of snow here.

    it is measured in centimeters.

    enjoy Hashem’s gift from above – hanosein sheleg katzommer.

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