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East, Harlem River Tolls Might Soon Be a Reality

bridge1.jpgGov. David Paterson and lawmakers are trying to hammer out a deal to rescue the debt-ridden MTA — and one plan that looks likely would put $2 tolls on the bridges over the Harlem and East Rivers.

The move could help defray some of the proposed fare increases for MTA riders —with a doomsday budget putting a single pass at $3.

The Democrat-led Senate hopes to have a deal that can be passed in the Legislature by the end of the next week. Paterson would then need to sign that bill into law.

Democratic Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver proposed the $2 tolls on the bridges over the East River and Harlem River as part of a compromise.

The agency has projected a $1.4 billion deficit in its operating budget next year and a $3 billion gap by 2012.

Paterson has called the problem urgent and said an agreement was needed this week.

Meantime Friday, the Senate Majority leader released a statement saying the MTA’s budget deficit was the result of “years of mismanagement and fiscal irresponsibility.”

The statement said that “while the proposal to modify the recommended tolls on the East River Bridges from $5 to $2 warrants strong consideration and will be discussed within our Conference, it would be unacceptable if straphangers were forced to bear the burden of the reduced toll.”

“Additionally, it is unclear if that plan would achieve the necessary financial targets of reducing the proposed fare hike from 23% to 8%, increasing services, especially bus service outside of Manhattan and protecting jobs,” it said.

(Source: NBC New York)

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