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Zeh Chalifasi……..

shechita3.jpgshechita1.jpgshechita2.jpgClick on the images to ENLARGE photos (taken a few monents ago) of Hagoen R’ Shmuel Berenbaum Shlita [Rosh Yeshivas Mir, USA] doing Kaparos, checking the “Chalef” & being Mekayem the Mitzvah of “Kisey Hadam”.–YW Editor.

One Response

  1. I just met R’ Chuni Berenbaum and I told him about these pics. He told me that it is interesting because his Father Shlit”a never did it in the past with chickens and only with money. Does anybody know why the Rosh Yeshiva started to do Kaparos with a chicken?

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