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Barak Heading for Opposition

Following his meeting with Binyamin Netanyahu on Monday morning, Labor leader Ehud Barak stated with absolute certainty [for now] that he is heading for opposition. Barak stated if Netanyahu wishes to meet again, he is likely to comply with such a request but added, “We must adhere to the decision of voters who have signaled our position is in the opposition”.

Kadima leader Tzipi Livni continues to release the same messages, indicating a deal to enter a Netanyahu-led coalition is most unlikely, adding however that if Netanyahu is willing to place the demands of the chareidi and right-wing parties aside, there may be room for a deal.

Netanyahu appears unscathed for now; continuing to calmly release messages of unity and the need to put partisan interests aside for the greater good, establishing a broad-based stable coalition government.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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