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MOTZEI SHABBOS – Sholom Bayis Symposium

irgun.jpgOn Monday evening, hundreds of women attended a dramatic and powerful Sholom Bayis Symposium held at the Atrium Plaza in Monsey New York and presented by Irgun Shiurai Torah. Seven panelists discussed crucial issues and offered practical guidance on dealing with relationships in the home. Questions were answered on topics such as respect, happiness, and bringing up children. The event, which lasted close to three hours, was heralded as a major success.

Now the married women of Brooklyn are  invited to join a similar Symposium which will be held at Ateres Chynka on Motzei Shabbos, February 21st. This grand and unprecedented event will feature seven outstanding speakers, all illustrious women who are experienced in family issues and guidance. The panel will include Rebetzin Yehudis Samet (noted author of “The Other Side of the Story”) from Eretz Yisroel, Rebetzin Tehilla Jaeger, Rebetzin Shaindy Bluming. Mrs. Atara Malach, Mrs. Miriam Swerdlov, Mrs. Shaindy Kleinman, and Mrs. Devoirele Blau. Mrs. Suri Halberstam will serve as moderator.

Irgun Shiurai Torah urges all married women in the community to attend this one-of-a-kind evening. Askonim suggest that women come early for preferred seating, considering the tremendous crowd that is anticipated. Doors will open at 8:00 PM. The program is scheduled to begin at 8:30 sharp and end at approximately 11:30 PM. Over 1,000 women are expected to attend. Those who would like to submit questions to be addressed by the panel should fax their inquiries to 718-633-8362.

The Sholom Bayis Symposium promises to be an exceptional and unprecedented event. Never before have so many experts on one issue come together in one forum to address the olam. This is surely a gathering that no married woman would want to miss. The event is sponsored by Pomegranate. For more information, contact Irgun Shiurai Torah at 718-853-3950.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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