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Netanyahu: I’ll Turn to Labor and Kadima

bibi1111.jpgOnly after signing on a coalition of 65, hoping to cut a deal with Yisrael Beitenu, Shas, Yahadut HaTorah, Ichud HaLeumi and Bayit Yehuda, Binyamin Netanyahu stated he will turn to Kadima and Labor in the hope of bringing them on board.

The Likud leader stated that due to the threats facing Israel today, Iran, Hamas, terrorism and the global financial crisis, he calls on the other large parties to put personal considerations aside and step forward towards establishing a stable coalition to address these and other issues of national interests.

Close associates to Netanyahu indicate he is willing to “pay a very heavy price” to bring Kadima and Labor into the government, including the defense and foreign ministry portfolios, as well as a vice premier position, but he is unwilling to exhibit leniency on Kadima’s demand for rotating the premiership.

Kadima officials believe that Netanyahu will not strike a deal with Yisrael Beitenu due to a number of its cardinal issues, including the two-state solution with the PA (Palestinian Authority) and the secular party’s flagship issue, the civil marriage option for couples not wishing to wed via the Chief Rabbinate and Jewish Law.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. IS HE NUTS?

    The election was a repudiation of the traitorous policies of Kadima and their left-wing allies.

    This is an outrageous sell-out of the people who put him in power to bring about change.

    Netanyohu is nothing more than a puppet, whose strings are being pulled by people behind the scenes.

  2. “Netanyohu is nothing more than a puppet, whose strings are being pulled by people behind the scenes.”

    Yes, and most of those pulling the strings are in America, where most of you are writing from. Time for all of you to put pressure on Hillary and Obama NOT to pressure Netanyahu into foolish policies that Israeli citizenry has rejected!

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