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Locations of Shabbos Shuva Drashos

Yeshivaworld would like to thank all the people (over a hundred) who emaild their Shul’s Shabbos Shuva Drasha information. If you would still like to have your Shul added, please email [email protected]. –YW Editor. Here is the list:

Boro Park:

Rabbi Yisroel Tzvi Brody will be speaking at 4:30 pm in his shul, Khal Shaarei Orah located at 1465 51st Street.

Rabbi Mordechai Scheiner Shlita will be speaking at 5:15 pm in his Shul, located at 1769 56th Street.

Rabbi Kuperman Shlita will be speaking at 10:15 am in his shul, located at 1481 38th Street.

Rabbi Heilpern Shlita will be speaking at 5:15 pm in his shul, located at  1350 50th Street.

Rabbi Zev Schwartz Shlita will be speaking at 5:45 pm in his shul, located at 3714 18th Ave

Rabbi Horowitz Shlita will be speaking at his shul located at 1561 50th Street. It will be a 4:30 mincha followed by the shiur.

Rabbi Yona Ginsburg Shlita will be speaking at 6:00 pm in his shul, located at 867 50th Street.

Rabbi Dovid Kviat Shlita will be speaking at 5:20 pm at 5413 18th Ave

Rabbi Teitelbaum Shlita will be speaking between 10:30 am and 11:00 am at 1636 49th Street

Rabbi Aron Biderman Shlita will be speaking at 5:30 pm at 1551 43 Street

Rabbi Rokeach will be speaking before Krias Hatorah at 5912 19th Ave

Rabbi Helberg Shlita will be speaking at 5:15 pm at 1019 46 Street

Rabbi Gershon Neumann will be speaking at 4:55 pm in his Shul, Khal Shaarei Tefilah located at 4407 12th Avenue (in English & Yiddish); folowed by Mincha at 5:55 pm.

Rabbi Adler Shlita will be speaking after Krias Htorah at 1237 48th Street

Rabbi Klein Shlita will be speaking at 5:30 pm at 5306 15 Ave.

Rabbi Weiss Shlita will be speaking at 6:00 pm at 1451 46 Street

Rabbi S. P. Langesam Shlita will be speaking at 6:00 pm at 1260 45 Street

Rabbi M. Snow Shlita will be speaking at 5:00 pm at 4802 15 Ave.

Rabbi Bick Shlita will be speaking at 5:00 pm in his shul, located at 1547 55 St.

Rabbi Rokeach Shlita will be speaking at 5:00 pm at 5402 16 Ave.

Rabbi Kirzner Shlita will be speaking at 4:45 pm at 5311 16 Ave.

Rabbi E. Eichler Shlita will be speaking at 5:15 pm at 1423 57 Street

Rabbi Dovid Eichenstein Shlita will be speaking at 5:30 pm at 5610 12 Ave.

Rabbi Koenig Shlita will be speaking before Krias Hatorah at approx. 10:00 am at 1243 55 Street

Rabbi Fried Shlita will be speaking at 4:30 pm at  4304 15 Ave.

Rabbi Scheiner Shlita will be speaking at 5:15 pm at 1769 56 Street

Rabbi Stern Shlita will be speaking at 5:30 pm at 4918 16 Ave.

Rabbi Simcha Bick Shlita will be speaking at 5:45 pm at 971 47 Street

Rabbi Paneth Shlita will be speaking before Krias Hatorah at 1825 59 Street

Rabbi M. M. Weiss Shlita will be speaking at 6:15 pm at 1248 51 Street

Rabbi Rokeach Shlita will be speaking at 5:15 pm at 5423 12 Ave.

The Rav of Kosone will be speaking at 6:00 pm in his shul at 4401 14 Ave.

The Viener Rebbe will be speaking at 5:00 pm at 972 45 Street

Rabbi Steinwurzel Shlita will be speaking at 5:40 pm at 5608 13 Ave.

Rabbi Reich Shlita will be speaking at 11:15 am in Russian and English at 928 44 Street

Rabbi Rosenbaum Shlita will be speaking at 11:30 am at 5012 17 Ave.

Rabbi Tzinner Shlita will be speaking at 5:45 pm at 1541 40 Street

The Rav of Nitra will be speaking at 5:30 in his shul at 1462 50 Street

Rabbi Reuven Stein Shlita will be speaking at 6:00 pm at 4907 18 Avenue

Rabbi M. Ginsberg Shlita will be speaking at 6:00 pm  at 5120 Fort Hamilton Pkwy.

Rabbi Spitzer Shlita will be speaking at 4:30 at 1424 49 Street

The Rav of Ohr Yechezkel will be speaking at 5:30 pm at 1712 57 Street

Rabbi Alter Shlita will be speaking at 6:00 pm at 15th Ave./50 Street

Rabbi Pollack Shlita will be speaking at 6:00 pm at 5202 14th Ave.

Rabbi Tyrnauer Shlita will be speaking at 5:00 pm at 1280 53 Street

Rabbi Babad Shlita will be speaking at 5:45 at 5207 19th Avenue

Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz Shlita will be speaking at 6:00 pm at 5218 16th Ave.

Rabbi Steinmetz Shlita will be speaking at 10:30 am at 5323 12th Ave.

Rabbi Rottenberg Shlita will be speaking at 6:00 pm at 1546 47 Street

Rabbi Teitelbaum Shlita will be speaking before Krias Hatorah at approx. 10:00 am at 5021 16 Ave.

Rabbi Leibel Katz will be speaking at 5:00 pm at 1358 56 Street  

Rebbitzen Chaya Bluminfeld will be speaking for women at 3:45 pm in K’hal Nachlas Moshe , located at 5202 19th Avenue.

Rabbi Oelbaum Shlita will be speaking for women at 4:30 pm at 1371 46  Street in Bais Yaakov lunchroom

Reb. Chaya Blumenfeld will be speaking at 3:45 pm at 5209 19 Ave.

Rabbi Leibel Katz Shlita will be speaking for women at 2:30 pm at 1358 56 Street.

Rabbi Yirmiyahu Guginheimer Shlita will be speaking at 4:45 pm in the Lakewood Minyan (of Boro Park), located at 5113 16th Avenue.

Rabbi Dov Beirish Meisels Shlita (Satmar Rov of BP) will be speaking at 4:30 pm in Satmar (Boro Park) located at 53rd Street between 13th & 14th Avenues.


[La Jolla CA.] Rabbi Jeff Wohlgelernter Shlita will be speaking at 5:00 pm in his Shul, Congregation Adat Yeshurun located at 8625 La Jolla scenic drive.


Hagoen Reb Shmuel Berenbaum Shlita will be speaking Motzei Shabbos at 9:30 pm in the Mirrer Yeshiva Bais Medrash located at Avenue R & Ocean Parkway.

Rabbi Meir Platnick Shlita will be speaking at 4:45 pm in his Shul, K’hal Keser Yisroel Mordechai located at 1301 East 18th Street (L & M) for both men and ladies.

Rabbi Yosef Eisen Shlita will be speaking at 4:15 pm for ladies and at 5:15 pm for men to be followed by Mincha at 6:00 pm in his Shul, Kollel B’nei Torah located at 2748 Nostrand Ave (Ave’s M-N).

Rabbi Zakheim Shlita will be speaking before Krias Hatorah at approx. 10:30 at his shul, located at 3120 Bedford Ave.

Rabbi Beck Shlita will be speaking (in Yiddish) at 9:45 am(before Krias Hatorah) at his shul Cong. Ahavas Dovid at 924 East 10 Street

Rabbi Shlomo Feivel Shustal Shlita will be speaking at 4:30 pm in his shul Cong Avreichim, 1114 Ave. O

Rabbi Lipa Friedman Shlita will be speaking at 6:00 pm at Bais Aharon 1670 Ocean Ave.

Rabbi Moshe Bandman Shlita will be speaking at 5:15 pm in his Shul Bais Tefillah, located at 1217 East 36th Street (Ave L – Kings Highway).

Rabbi Avrohom Schor Shlita will be speaking at 4:45 pm in his Shul, Kehal Tiferes Yaakov     located at 1214 East 15th Street (Ave L) in Yiddish for men only. He will be making a special speech for Bochrim at 3:00 pm as well.

Rabbi Katz Shlita will be speaking at 5:00 pm in his shul Bais Eluzer Faltichen at 1516 East 24 Street

Rabbi Shteinverzel Shlita will be speaking at 4:45 pm at his shul at 2802 Ave. J

Bostoner Rebba Shlita will be speaking at 5:15 pm at Boston Bais Medresh at 2822 Ave J

Rabbi Rabbi Yisroel P. Gornish will be speaking at 5:00 pm at Cong Chuzuck Hadas at 1421 Ave O

Rabbi David Cohen Shlita  will be speaking at 4:30 pm at Gvul Yavitz at 1580 Coney Island Ave.

Rabbi Moshe Scheinerman will be speaking at 4:45 at Kollel Benei Hayeshivos at 2402 Ave P

Rabbi Lipa Geldwirth Shlita will be speaking at 4:45 pm in his Shul Bais Medrash Kol Torah located at 2016 Avenue M.

Rabbi Hillel David Shlita will be speaking at 4:30 pm ay Yeshiva Shaarai Torah at 1162 East 12 Street

Rabbi Aharon Levine Shlita will be speaking at 5:05 pm at the Young Israel of Ave J at 1721 Ave J

Rabbi Bentzion Halberstam Shlita will be speaking at 5:30 pm in his Shul, Kehilas Bais Avrohom located at 1124 East 21st Street.

Rabbi Elimelech Z. Lebowitz Shlita will be speaking at 4:15 pm in his Shul, Khal Tiferes Yisroel – Shaarei Halacha located at 3417 Avenue L.

Rabbi Mendel Braunstein will be speaking at 5:00 pm at the Chaim Berlin Alumni Minyan on Avenue I.

Rabbi Pinchas Breuer Shlita will be speaking at 5:00 pm (for men) in his Shul Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin, located at the corner of Ave L & Nostrand Avenue.

Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech Rokeach Shlita will be speaking at 4:30 pm for women and at 5:45 pm for men in his Shul, Cong. Bais Mordechai of Marine Park, located at 3302 Aveune P (Ave P & E.33rd).

Rabbi Eli Baruch Shulman Shlita will be speaking at 5:00 pm in his Shul, Young Israel of Midwood Ocean Avenue and Avenue L.

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser Shlita will be speaking at 5:00 pm at Edward R. Murrow High School located at Avenue L & East 16th Street.

Rabbi Shimshon Sherrer Shlita will be speaking at 3:55 pm for women & at 5:10 pm for men in his Shul, K’hal Zicron Mordechai located at 2645 Nostrand Avenue.

Rabbi Shlomo Mandel Shlita will be speaking at 3:45 pm for women & at 5:15 pm for men in Yeshiva of Brooklyn located at 1464 Ocean Parkway.

Rabbi Yosef Vieener Shlita will be apeaking at 5:00 pm in Yeshiva of Brooklyn girls school located at 1470 Ocean Parkway (Ave.N-O)

Rabbi Pinchos Breuer will be speaking at 5:00 pm in his Shul, Agudah Bais Binyomin located at 2913 Ave L (Corner of Nostrand Ave). Rebbitzen Mirian Isbee will be speaking for the women at 3:40 pm.

Rabbi Maselton Shlita will be speaking at 4:45 pm at achiezer Torah Center, located at 1960 East 7 Street

Rabbi Stone Shlita will be speaking at 5:50 pm at Adas Teshurun, located at 3418 Ave. N

Rabbi Yisroel Riesman Shlita will be speaking at 5:10 pm in his Shul Agudah Yisroel Zichron Chaim Tzvi located at Avenue S & East 22nd Street.

Rabbi Herschel Zolty Shlita will be speaking at 4:45 pm [for men & women] in his Shul, Bais Medrash of Flatbush located at 1485 East 29th Street (Between Kings Highway & Avenue P).

Rebbitzen Leah Kohn will be speaking for women at 4:00 pm in Cong. Chasidei Gur located at 1937 Ocean Avenue (Ave N-O).

The Tenker Rov Shlita of Flatbush will be speaking at 5:35 pm in his Shul located at 1643 East 21st Street.

Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag Shlita will be apeaking at 6:20 pm (for both men & women) in his Shul, Young Israel of Avenue K located at Ave K & East 29th Street.

Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach Shlita will be speaking at 5:00 pm in Yeshivas Novardok located at Avenue N & E.15th Street.

Kew Gardens:

Rabbi Friedman Shlita will be speaking at 10:15 am (before Leining) in his Shul, Beis Yoseph D’ulam located at 139-19 72nd Rd

Rabbi Moshe Bamberger Shlita will be speaking at his Shul, Beis Medrash L’Talmud after Shacharis located at 75-31 150th St; Shacharis 8:30 am, Drasha @ 9:45a.m.


R. Osher Chaim Leiberman Shlit’a will be speaking at 5:00 pm in his Shul, Zichron Shneur  (280 Oak Knoll Rd) followed by Mincha at 6PM.

Rabbi Eliezer Herzka Shlita will be speaking at 5:10 at 6 Van Buren Ave.

Reb Dovid Shustal Shlita (Rosh Yeshiva of Lakewood) will be speaking at 5:00 pm in Central Court Shul located at the corner of Central and New Central Avenues.

Rabbi Yosef Zimbal Shlita will be speaking at 5:00 pm in the main Westgate Shul, located at 2 Northcrest Place.

Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen Shlita will be speaking at 4:30 pm in his Shul, K’hal Ateres Yihoshua located on County-Line Road. (The Ezras Noshim will be open as well).

Rabbi Yisroel Riesman Shlita will be speaking at 5:10 pm in his Shul, Chateau Park Ashkenaz.

Rabbi Shimon Wosner Shlita will be speaking at 5:00 pm in his Shul, Chateau Park Sefard.

Las Vegas:

Rabbi Yaakov Wasser Shlita will be speaking between Shacharis & Mussaf in his Shul, Cong. Shaarei Tefilla located at 1331 S. Maryland Pkwy. [Shacharis 8:30 am. Drasha at approx 10:30] Shul phone number: 702-384-3565


Rabbi Yehoshua Kalish Shlita will be speaking at 4:30 pm for women & 5:15 pm for men in his Shul, Bais Medrash of Harborview


Rabbi Kalman Dovid Redisch Shlita will be speaking at 5:15 pm in his Shul, Cong. Ahvas Chesed (Ridniker Shteibel) located at 309 West 89th Street for both men and women; folowed by Mincha & Seudah Shlishis.

Rabbi Shaul Robinson Shlita will be speaking at 6:20 pm in his Shul, Lincoln Square Synagogue located at 200 Amsterdam Avenue (corner of 69th St).

Rabbi Yosef Blau Shlita will be speaking at 4:45 pm in Yeshiva University, located at 2540 Amsterdam Avenue (Washington Heights).

Miami Beach:

Rabbi Akiva Stopler Shlita will be speaking at 5:45 pm in his Shul, Ohr Hachayim located at 317 West 47th Street.


Rabbi Menachem Fischer, Dayan of Vien will be speaking after Mincha at 5:00 pm in Adas Yeriem (Vien) on Route 306.

Rabbi Yisroel Rokowsky Shlita will be speaking at 5:00 pm in Ohr Somayach.

Rabbi Mordechai Auerbach Shlita will be speaking at 5:20 pm in Shaarai Tefilah, located at 30 Parker Blvd.

Rabbi Ephrayim Wachsman Shlita will be speaking on Motzei Shabbos at 9:30 pm in Ohr Somayach.

New Haven, CT:

Rabbi Joshua Cypess Shlita will be speaking at 5:15 pm in his Shul, Young Israel of New Haven located at 292 Norton Street.


Rabbi Eisenman Shlita will be apeaking at 4:30 pm in his Shul, Ahavas Israel located at 181 Van Houten Avenue.

Pittsburg, PA:

Rabbi Joseph Weiss Shlita & Rabbi Daniel Wasserman Shlita will be speaking at 5:00 pm in Cong. Shaarei Torah located at 2319 Murry Avenue.

Richboro, PA:

Rabbi Dovid Max will be speaking at 5:30 pm at the Community Torah Center of Bucks County.

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