The shekel-dollar exchange rate jumped on Tuesday. The Bank of Israel shows the day’s closing rate at 4.350/$ and 5.2231/€.
**Camtek Ltd announces an additional 68 employees, representing 14% of its workforce, is being laid off after dismissing 40 employees in November 2008.
**Layoffs in January 2009 have reached a record-high in Eretz Yisrael, the government’s employment service announced, topping the previous record of December 2008 when 17,449 people lost their jobs. Last month, 19,719 lost their jobs.
**Demands for laborers dropped 12% in January 2009 as compared to one year earlier.
**Plasson Industries, controlled by Kibbutz Magen Michael has laid off 70 of its 1,500 global workforce. Most of the layoffs however are among kibbutz members and local salaried employees.
**Neviot’s stock took a dive after it announced on Monday it was temporarily suspending production after detecting a bacterial contamination in the water source. Interestingly, Mei Eden, another water company which halted production for the same reason, held steady.
**Addressing the President’s Conference in Jerusalem, Bank of Israel Governor Prof. Stanley Fischer stated interest rates may drop to zero.
**The Central Bureau of Statistics reports a third consecutive month of negative inflation, reporting the Consumer Price Index (CPI) fell by 0.5% in January.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
3 Responses
you mean 4.1350
that quite a difference
Ahem, 4.135 is not quite the same as 4.35. Please correct!