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Only Likud Can Protect Jerusalem

There is no doubt that when Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu and his team toured Ir David and the Har HaZeisim area on Monday they intended to send the campaign message home, “only a strong Likud can protect Jerusalem”. Opponents of the self-proclaimed guardian of the Jewish capital are not as enthusiastic however, considering Netanyahu’s track record, which paints a different picture; one of untruths, deceptions, explanations and justifications, all topped by handing Chevron over to the PA (Palestinian Authority).
Netanyahu stated “we did not unite Jerusalem to re-divide it and that is what this election is about”.
Obviously concerned regarding the loss of votes in the polls to Yisrael Beitenu, the opposition leader told reporters that during his tenure as prime minister, building was the theme in the capital, pointing to areas near the Old City as well as Har Choma, which he stressed were built despite strong international opposition.

Shas and Ichud Leumi are both selling themselves as the guardians, explaining they will recommend Netanyahu for prime minister but they too must be strong to permit them to become watchdogs over Netanyahu.
Somewhat ironically, Netanyahu was a power behind eliminating the direct election of the prime minister, which in this case would have proven a major asset in the race for the nation’s top position.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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