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Poll: Lieberman Gaining on Likud

It appears the negative media and ongoing police investigation against Yisrael Beitenu leader Avigdor Lieberman only serves to increase his popularity.
The latest “Midgam” poll shows that Likud has dropped to 28 mandates, while Yisrael Beitenu is up to 18. The poll shows Kadima earning 23 mandates, and the left-wing New Meretz Party plummeting to 4 mandates.
According to the poll aired by Israel Channel 1 TV on Monday night, Labor would receive 17 mandates and Shas 10.
According to polls over recent weeks, Likud is losing a seat a week, and that seat appears to be picked up by Lieberman. Interestingly, despite the decline in the Likud, Kadima does not seem to be earning extra seats. Labor on the other hand is pleased that is seems to have stabilized at 17, quite an accomplishment considering the polls pre-Operation Cast Lead.

Lieberman’s support for Netanyahu for prime minister is not guaranteed, and many feel he will recommend to President Shimon Peres that Tzipi Livni be called upon to form a government, realizing Likud will turn to Shas, which stated it will not enter a government with Yisrael Beitenu, but Livni and her more secular-compliant platform may serve a better host for Lieberman’s agenda.
Much of the Yisrael Beitenu agenda is anti Torah, with Lieberman’s insistence on passing a law permitting civil marriage [for those uninterested in marriage in accordance to halacha] leading the list. Shas has been campaigning fiercely against Lieberman, stating his election will result in an increasing number of stores throughout Eretz Yisrael selling pork r”l. 

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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