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No Surprise – Machane Yehuda Remains Right-Wing

The Yediot Achronot roaming ballot box was in Jerusalem’s “Shuk” Machane Yehuda, where the tone is generally right-wing. The outcome here did not surprise, with 226 people casting their ballot in the mock election. It must be noted the outcome does not reflect the view of a cross-section of the eligible voting public.

Likud – 35%
Yisrael Beitenu – 19%
Shas – 16%
Kadima – 11%
Labor – 7%
Bayit Yehuda – 3%
Ichud Leumi – 2%
Meimad – 2%
Yahadut HaTorah – 1%

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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