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Shul & Sifrei Torah Desecrated in Venezuela

jihadn1.jpgA Caracas shul was targeted in the latest anti-Semitic attack in Venezuela – undoubtedly connected to the government’s vehemently anti-Israel position in the Gaza War.

A guard was found later by authorities, apparently he had been threatened by the gunman and tied up while the assailants broke down the shul doors and entered, knocking seforim on the ground. They also broke open the Aaron Kodesh and threw sifrei torah on the ground and sprayed graffiti on the entire shul.

The graffiti included “Jews get out”, “Death to Jews” and “Jews not wanted”. Daniel Ben-Naim of the local Federation of Jewish communities stated the attack testified to the growing anti-Semitic sentiment in the country, a worrisome situation. The damage to the shul and sifrei kodesh was reportedly extensive.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. It seems that many Spanish-speaking people from South and Central America living in NYC share these attitudes.Neighbors tell us that the Jews stole the land from the Arabs and they believe this nonsense.

  2. Why are jews living in Venezuela? It’s one of the most anti-American and anti-Israel countries in the world, and a very dangerous place for jews to live in. The same applies to most of South America and Europe. If I was living there I’d sell all my stuff and make aliya while I still could.

  3. When Hitler preached his venom in Germany, the methodology of hate started with words, then proceeded to anti-Semitic actions and declarations by the government, and finally to the desecration of synagogues and graffiti on Jewish stores. The Venezuelan dictator speaks Spanish, but he is none the less a modern day Hitler. Jews of Venezuela: Go home to Israel before the fires of hatred consume you!

  4. Yes it is time for us all to move to Eretz Yisrael fast. Our time in galus is coming to an end and Hashem awaits us for our return to our land.

  5. Actually the yidden living in venezuela live a beautiful life. The community as a whole is well off. They made the mistake a few years ago of not being nice to Chavez, and now they are paying for it.

  6. if i read correctly in news sources chavez’s spokesman while condeming the attacks mentioned in the same breath thst israel is guilty….sounds like he’s inciting this

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