Alaskans Brace For Redoubt Volcano Eruption

Hardware stores and auto parts shops scored a post-holiday run of business this week as Anchorage-area residents stocked up on protective eyewear and masks ahead of a possible eruption of Mount Redoubt.

Monitoring earthquakes underneath the 10,200-foot Redoubt Volcano about 100 miles southwest of Anchorage, scientists from the Alaska Volcano Observatory warned that an eruption was imminent, sending experienced Alaskans shopping for protection against a dusty shower of volcanic ash that could descend on south-central Alaska.

One Response

  1. Alaska is one of the most active areas on the planet for earthquakes and active volcanoes.

    When I visited the University of Alaska at Fairbanks Geophysical Institute a few years ago, their seismometers registered magnitude 6 or greater earthquakes every 20 minutes or so.

    Fortunately, there are not too many people in the state.

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