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Petira of Degel HaTorah Leader MK Rabbi Avraham Ravitz Z”L


Rav Avraham Ravitz, longtime leader of Degel HaTorah, was niftar during the night in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital at the age of 75, four days after celebrating his birthday.

The Knesset will convene in special session on Monday, Rosh Chodesh Shvat, at noon. Ravitz, considered among the most veteran of the chareidi politicians launched his career with Degel HaTorah 20 years ago, a respected member of the Israeli parliament who maintained an open channel of communications with many, regardless of one’s personal lifestyle.He always placed a special emphasis on kiruv and used his public status to advance Torah issues and portray Shmiras mitzvos in a positive light to colleagues in a primarily secular environment.

Rav Ravitz was last in Knesset a number of weeks ago, when he collapsed. Tefillos were recited for him around the world during recent weeks, during which he was admitted to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital a number of times. Doctors performed two procedures to assist his ailing heart during that period.

During recent days, Rav Ravitz was visited by many politicians including opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu and Shas leader Minister Eli Yishai.

During his political career Ravitz served as a deputy minister a number of times, deputy speaker, and chairman of the finance committee. In his youth, Ravitz served in the Lechi, the IDF and then learned in Yeshivas Chevron, eventually becoming rosh yeshiva in Ohr Somayach, an institution that remained dear to him his entire life.

In November Rav Ravitz had already announced they he did not plan to seek another term in Knesset after consulting with Gedolei Yisrael and party colleagues, announcing he would not be running for a slot in the upcoming general election.

Eight years ago, his need for a kidney transplant gained nationwide notoriety as the media published the argument among his children, each vying for the honor of giving their kidney to save their father. After consulting with Gedolei HaTorah it was decided his bachor, Moshe, would donate a kidney. Since undergoing the transplant, Rav Ravitz was a leading advocate towards legislating laws towards assisting the many Israelis waiting for organ transplants.

Rav Ravitz z”l is survived by his rebbitzin, 12 children and over 90 grandchildren. His levaya will leave his Bayit Vegan home, 103 Bayit Vegan Street at 1:00pm, making its way to Har Menuchos.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. Let it be known that Rabbi Ravitz was severely clubbed [on his kidneys] by the vicious zionist police, for protesting chillul shabbos.

    Rabbi Ravitz never fully recovered from those injuries sustained during the first years of the state.

    May he be a Mailitz Yosher for all of Klall Yisroel.

  2. The Jerusalem Post reports that his funeral will begin at his house [Rehov Bayit Vegan 103] in the capital at 1:00 p.m. on Monday.

    He was a giant of a man. Firstly a talmid chochom but also a fighter for the Jewish people and a fighter for every Jewish person. Throughout his illustrious career he always made time to help every Yid who approached him. Truly an ish chessed.

  3. I remember him 31 years ago when I was a student at Neve Yerushalyim (then located in Bayit VeGan). He was in charge of the Israel division. I used to listen in to his “shiurim”. They were fascinating, he was such a dynamic speaker.

  4. תלמוד בבלי מסכת שבת דף קיד עמוד א
    ואמר רבי יוחנן: איזהו תלמיד חכם שממנין אותו פרנס על הציבור – זה ששואלין אותו דבר הלכה בכל מקום ואומר, ואפילו במסכת כלה. ואמר רבי יוחנן: איזהו תלמיד חכם שבני עירו מצווין לעשות לו מלאכתו – זה שמניח חפצו ועוסק בחפצי שמים, והני מילי – למיטרח בריפתיה. ואמר רבי יוחנן: איזהו תלמיד חכם – כל ששואלין אותו הלכה בכל מקום ואומרה. למאי נפקא מינה – למנוייה פרנס על הציבור. אי בחדא מסכתא – באתריה, אי בכוליה תנויה – בריש מתיבתא.

  5. #8; Rabbi Ravitz kidneys failed. In Nov 2000 he received a kidney transplant from his son.
    I am no doctor, but his frail health and subsequent untimely passing is NOT a coincidence with the clubbing “administered” to the defenseless Avraham Ravitz back then

  6. To “Feif Un”

    B”H you do not know how kidney damage/failure devastates the Cardiovascular system. You should never have to know about it.

    One of the first systems of renal failure, is high blood pressure and water retention issues, that DIRECTLY affect the heart and cardiovascular system.

    We do not hold your {lack of} medical knowledge against you.

    We do however take exception, to your application of this knowledge, to some how whitewash the injustice done to the Niftar by Bnei B”liyaal.[ on the day of his funeral]

  7. AMCHU, it might have been the environmental damage to his heart, caused by the lack of garbage pick-up in his neighborhood, caused by you know who, those terrible Bnei B’liyal, ugghhy…..

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