Something Occurring at Rafiach Crossing? – Egypt Evacuates!

9:32PM IL: For the past hours, there have been unconfirmed rumors of an imminent rocket attack from Hamas-controlled Gaza against Israel’s homefront. The source of the rumor is not traceable and no explanation or confirmation is available from official sources but there have been reports that rockets will strike 10km and 40km into southern Israel.
Perhaps adding some credibility to the buzz is a report a short time ago that Egypt has removed its forces and ambulances from the Rafiach Crossing area due to an expected IAF attack in the area.
While the information is somewhat convoluted, the report regarding the Egyptian move does appear accurate but what exactly has compelled the Egyptian move is still unclear at this time. Sources in the Rafiach area state Egyptian ambulances have been removed and the troops on the Egyptian side of the crossing have been evacuated.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. I didn’t see this anywhere! YWN Please be more careful when reporting something that it should at least have “some” backing to it.

    Editors Note: Not that we feel the need to reveal our highly credible sources, but for the record, this was reported by Jpost, Ynet, and many other credible news agencies covering the conflict.

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