There is a buzz around the Sholom Bayis course that began yesterday. And it’s not too late to join. Click here to register!
Rabbi Friedman and Rabbi Taub make a remarkable team! Every marriage can use an upgrade and these two Rabbis are teaching a beautiful and healthy way to make that happen!
The first part of this four-part course had callers from Israel, London, South Africa, Italy, and all over the US and Canada on the call at the same time. Many others received the recording after the lesson and listened when they got home from work.
In Yiddish we say “Chap Arein”!!! Click here to register!
Join the course now and receive instant access to call #1 and be a part of lessons 2, 3 and 4. You will also be able to submit anonymous questions that will be addressed on call #4, a complete lesson dedicated to answering questions.
Topic of lesson 1 was: The Three Pillars of a Healthy Marriage.
Responding to the question of why Pillar #2 is Respect and not Love, here is a partial transcription of a few minutes of lesson #1.
Rabbi Taub:
42:00 If it’s just love without that reverence, that awe for the relationship, then really it’s just a performance, it’s about me, the giver – it lacks sensitivity, it lacks humility and it doesn’t work.
42:32 These three pillars (kindness, respect and sanctity) are the formula for love – you have these, you have love, but if you try to manufacture love any other way, you don’t have it. Love by itself, isn’t really love.
42:32 These three pillars (kindness, respect and sanctity) are the formula for love – you have these, you have love, but if you try to manufacture love any other way, you don’t have it. Love by itself, isn’t really love.
Rabbi Friedman:
43:18 Rabbi Taub, that is exactly what I was thinking but you say it better.
43:33 Yes, if you have these three pillars, you have a very healthy, strong, proper relationship and you have something to love. Who would not love that?
43:18 Rabbi Taub, that is exactly what I was thinking but you say it better.
43:33 Yes, if you have these three pillars, you have a very healthy, strong, proper relationship and you have something to love. Who would not love that?