Olmert, Barak & Livni Set the Deathtrap for IDF Soldiers Chas V’Sholom

idftrp2.jpgMany Israelis are perplexed, frustrated and downright angry over Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s decision to declare a unilateral ceasefire in Gaza.

Citing recent unilateral failures, including the decision by then Prime Minister Ehud Barak to run from the security zone in Lebanon in May 2000, and the administration of Ariel Sharon, deciding to expel the Jews of Gaza from their homes and dismantle their communities in 2005; in both cases the areas abandoned by the IDF became bases for anti-Israel Iranian terror operations.

Former Likud foreign minister, Silvan Shalom, told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Sunday morning that decision to once again accept a unilateral decision upon ourselves is true madness, adding that it will permit Hamas to rearm to strike out again in the future. Shalom also rejected any attempt to justify the ceasefire without Gilad Shalit’s release, calling the deal morally reprehensible.

Minister Meir Sheetrit, one of the members of the Security Cabinet, told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) that all members of the ministerial forum remain committed to Shalit’s return. Sheetrit rejected the criticism from the opposition, stating Egypt stands at Israel’s side and has undertaken to prevent weapons smuggling into Gaza.

Readers should be reminded that Egypt was also responsible for preventing weapons smuggling during the six-month ceasefire that preceded Operation Cast Lead. According to Israeli intelligence communities, Hamas significantly improved its arsenal during that period.

Southern residents are angered over the government decision, and perhaps worst of all, the nation is concerned for the well-being of IDF forces, now compelled to remain in Gaza in a compromised position, no longer on the offensive, becoming targets for Hamas snipers and booby-traps.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. i never noticed that part of being in gaa not on the offensive is IS dangerous

    about gilad shalit is one of our sons who signed up for battle worth 1500 prisoners is he worth a ceasefire??

    what happened to who is right who is wrong and who is ashsmed of themselves as a people

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