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Swastikas Found on Brooklyn Yeshiva Building

nypd.jpgAssemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) tells YWN that Shaare Torah Girls Elementary School located at 222 Ocean Parkway and the corner of Church Avenue was vandalized Tuesday morning with anti-Semitic graffiti. “Kill the Jews” and “Nazis live here” was prominently scrawled across the yeshiva building, along with a sizeable swastika. This matter has since been referred to the Hate Crimes Unit of the New York Police Department.

“Even with an increased police presence in our communities, these vandals persist in their vile ways,” Hikind said. “Every hateful act they get away with only serves to embolden them, and makes them that much more likely to continue committing these kinds of crimes. They must be caught and brought to justice.”

Hikind encourages anyone with information to please contact the 66th police precinct at (718) 851-5611.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. These sick people are all over. We had five such cases here in Chicago over Shabbos. Three shuls and two schools also had graffiti on their buildings (“death to Israel”) and two of the buildings had bricks thrown at the glass doors.
    Ha-Shem – please help us and send the Geula.

  2. Now that there is a war going on, we see that we dont need to provoke the American Arabs’ anger. We should not allow our children to go out alone at night and should take extra precautions to ensure their safety.

  3. heh,heh,you aint seen nuthin yet. Meir kahane A’h was right. Unfortunately! havesomesaichel,is right. be very careful with the children,and yourselves too. A boy got beaten up badly on tuesday night near chaim berlin yeshiva,by some bat wielding arabs/palestinians gang. flatbush shomrim were on the scene,but couldnt find the chayas. you have no idea how many closet anti semites,live amongst us,hashem yerachaim. Get armed and be cautious. If you have to walk out at night,take some sort of weapon with you,Mace,bat,etc. ve’nishmartom le’nafshoisaichem. I dont mean to be an alarmist,just practical advice.

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