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Sirens Sounding in Jerusalem [UPDATED 1:12PM IL]

ywbn21.gif12:54PM IL: [UPDATES BELOW] Sirens sounding at this time in Ashkelon, Ashdod, Yavne, Ofakim, Beersheva, Betar Illit and Jerusalem.  MORE TO FOLLOW.

1:04 PM IL: Authorities now report the sirens heard in Yerushalayim, Betar Illit and Bet Shemesh resulted from siren testing. While this is the radio report, many are questioning if this was indeed the case, why didn’t the IDF Homefront Command notify residents in advance as they do in other areas. The panic that resulted brought about a collapse in cellular service with some cellular providers as well as landline telephones.

1:12PM: Homefront Command official Gili Shinar reports there was NO siren test but the sirens unfortunately sounded due to a malfunction in Jerusalem, Betar Illit, and Bet Shemesh, causing needless panic among many.

There are no injuries being reported in other areas where the sirens sounded, due to rocket attacks. At least four rockets landed in Beersheva, and an unspecified number of rockets landed in the Ofakim, Ashdod, Netivot and Ashkelon areas.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. These failures are very dangerous and unforgivable. Imagine what happens if someone who is hurrying to get inside a building falls and breaks his leg. Or if a car driver who gets nervous and wants to get inside ASAP stops real quick and causes a big car crash with injured and dead. Just a few examples of what these tests could cause.

  2. Unforgiveable? Who needs forgivess? A computer? Do you ever forgive your computer when it has a bug and malfunctions? Stop and think for a moment before complaining.

  3. I agree with #2. maybe הקב”ה caused this to happen to WAKE US UP! The people in sederot live through this every day. The only ones who are unforgivable are the Hamas and their supporters.

  4. It was not a test. It was a malfunction accordig to the radio reports in Yerushlayim,as per someone I spoke with a little while ago.

  5. To “Daniel”:

    Please open your eyes and see the amazing hashgacha pratis & yad Hashem that is being repeated minute after minute in Artzeinu Hakedosha. This no doubt is Hkb”h’s call to prepare us for the Geula, which is right around the corner.

    These sirens malfunctioning, especially during wartime, and especially in Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh, are Hyi”s’ way of further sinking it in that “ani ani hu, v’ain elokim imadi”. If you haven’t noticed, this war is being won by the 1000’s of missiles being shot at our cities r”l, which ultimately have caused almost no harm whatsoever. NOT BY TZAHAL’S GROUND WAR AGAINST HAMAS! Some gedolim have said that since the Churban there have not been such nissim. So it’s “Hashem yilachem lachem”.

    Try to remember Gulf War I – The entire population was outfitted with gas masks and in every home there was a “sealed-off room”. The fear of a chemical attack rachmana l’tzalan from Saddam Hussein YS”V was as real as anyone could imagine. But Hyi”s showed that it was ONLY HIM fighting that war and saving his nation from the clutches of that beast y’mach shmo. In hindsight, no gas masks were needed, and everyone should have been evacuating to bomb shelters, not to the sealed-off rooms. The Scuds came full-force and blew down many buildings, but miraculously the yiden were not there. Each person had their own reason for “coincidentally” having left the area during the time of bombardment. The same thing was repeated during Lebanon War II: 1,000’s of missiles rained onto the North, causing almost no harm to the yiden.

  6. These failures are very dangerous and unforgivable.? Take this as a safety drill. Isn’t it better to be prepared? the incident is unfortuante but should you be happy it was nothing? Are you praying for disasters?

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